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Two Months later - Rin

The end of junior year. Never thought that I'd make it this far. Everything felt like a blur. Or maybe, I didn't want to remember. Or maybe, I didn't care anymore. 

Days were spent in constant repeat. It's not like I had much time to deviate. My counselor said I had missed so much of school that I might not make it to senior year. When I wasn't working on my homework, I was taking online lessons to get promoted. Between that and taking care of basic needs, it didn't leave me much time for anything else. That was fine by me. I didn't want to think. I didn't want to feel. 

Alexander was gone.

According to the media, he had flown out with Cassidy to implement the treaty in her country.  There was also her coronation ceremony and would prolong his stay with her. 

But I knew better. 

Alexander was not better. He was still in that room, recovering. He didn't even have the strength to see me or send me a message letting me know he was okay. There was absolute silence and that hurt. 

The King had spoken to my parents and me a few days after the incident. We were thanked for our cooperation and were allowed to go back home. Getting back to normality wasn't easy as it sounded. Sure, I felt like I had a lot of practice, but it was different this time. The King knew of my relationship with Alexander and yet, he hadn't even said anything. No one had told me anything.

It became normal to look at my phone almost every hour hoping for a message that may never come . . . No, I couldn't think like that. I promised I would wait. I promised.


Summer. School wasn't so bad when there weren't many people around. I had the option of finishing my classes online but I was so tired of that. Besides, being cooped up and under watch was tiring too. At this point, I couldn't be bothered with it. I was numb to everything. 

Somehow in the next two weeks, I managed to pass my classes and receive my promotion to senior year. It didn't feel that great, to be honest. It felt as if I was still stuck in the past and the world didn't want to wait. Life must go on, I suppose. 

"I think we can have a small celebration," Mom said one afternoon after picking me up from summer school.

I leaned my head against the window. "If you want," I replied. 

"It's for you Rin," she said. "We don't have to have one."

I shrugged. "I don't care."

Mom frowned and the guilt settled in. They were trying to do something nice and special. I should let them do it. If it was any other way, I wouldn't have minded. 

"If it's just us," I whispered. "I guess that's fine."

Mom looked ready to comment but didn't. I couldn't bring myself to argue. To be honest, I couldn't bring myself to argue with much lately. I didn't have the energy for much of anything. And yet, I knew Alexander wouldn't want me to lounge around doing anything. 

Feeling worried about someone you cared about was one thing. Letting that feeling control your life was an entirely different thing. Besides, I knew I shouldn't close myself off to my family. I shouldn't make them worry too much about me either. 

I put on my best smile for Mom. "I want a strawberry cake," I told her. "It's almost my birthday. We can celebrate both that night."

Mom perked up. "You sure?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it'll be great."

Giving her permission was a huge mistake. She went out all out. She ordered balloons and streamers. There were even graduation-themed plates and napkins. If she did this for junior year, I didn't want to think about what she would do when I graduated high school. 

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now