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Miraculously, Alexander didn't interfere with the class. Mr. Flora allowed his desk to be next to mine. It was probably due to Alexander's Allure. Either way, I took notes without any interruptions. 

Every so often, I'd looked at Alexander. Just like everyone else, he scribbled in his notebook and even had the textbook turned to the correct page. A part of me expected him to play on his cell phone. I doubted he'd allowed Mr. Flora to stop him.

At the end of the class, I gathered up my books and shoved them into my backpack. Alexander leaned back in his chair.

"How informing," he said, "but if I wanted to analyze the Vampire Equal Education Law, I'd searched it up online."

I shrugged at his comment. "Mr. Flora has always been like that," I replied. "He wants everyone to be informed and aware. To him, ignorance is a crime. You owe it to yourself to educate yourself."

Alexander gave me a strange look. "It's still boring though."

Again, I shrugged. "It's not bad. Mr. Flora makes it tolerable."

"What's your next class?"

It was strange to believe Alexander was curious about my schedule. He was so different. Were a few months enough for his personality to change so much?

"Uh, I'm not sure," I told him. "I have to check my schedule."

Alexander stood. "I'll walk you there."

I quickly glanced at the classroom. Mr. Flora was busy cleaning up the board. Most of the class was gone but a few remained including Cassidy and the other vampires. 

"You don't have to," I quickly said. "Uh, see you later."

I walked out before he could say anything else. The guilt ate at me. It was stupid of me to run away from Alexander. We were dating and yet, it was weird. What if the whole school found out? I'd already dealt with the harassment from before, I didn't want to deal with it again.

It would have been better if we'd talked about all of this before school had started up again. It wasn't for lack of trying. Besides, wouldn't it be better if we pretended that we weren't close? Plus, it was a bit more awkward with all these vampires around. They'd hear everything.

I headed upstairs for my next class. As I walked, I couldn't help but think that I should've been nicer. It wasn't Alexander's fault that he hadn't gotten in contact with me. He'd been busy. And yet, a part of me resented him for not putting in the effort to contact me.  Not once had he replied.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were avoiding me."

Alexander fell in step beside me. A lot of his admiring fans stopped and gawked. At least some of them were focused on the other vampires in school, but they were still focused on Alexander.

I shrugged. "I'd say that you would be right."

Alexander's hand curled around my arm. He veered off to the right, taking me with him. I dug in my heels but that didn't do much. I could have protested, yelled out, something, but I went along with him. If this was the only way to speak to him then, I was going to take it.

We stopped in a less crowded hallway. His back was to the main hallway, obscuring most onlookers and he still kept his hand on me. I stared down at my shoes, unsure where to begin.

"Care to explain why you're avoiding me?" he asked.

I looked up at him. It had been so long since I'd seen him. I'd like nothing more than to tell him that I'd missed him and I had, if only for the first two weeks. After that, I had accepted the fact that Alexander wasn't going to call me or come by my house any longer.

"It's what you did to me," I replied.

"I'm the heir to the throne, Rin. I can't always reply to your messages."

His words twisted into my gut. I guess this was just me being selfish. I had known, hadn't I? That Alexander was going to be busy. I knew it wouldn't be the same and yet . . .

"Yeah, you're right," I forced out. "I shouldn't expect even the slightest bit of communication between us. It's not like we're dating or anything, right?"

Alexander looked away. "Rin," he began.

"I need to go to class," I told him. "You should too."

As I left, he didn't stop me. Was this how it was going to be from now on? If it was, I didn't want this. It wasn't what I had imagined it to be but I guess it was only me that had given our relationship much thought.

There was a minute to spare when I walked into class. Like before, there was a chart on the board with our seating arrangement. I found an all too familiar name next to mine.

Resigning myself, I dragged my feet towards my seat and sat down next to Sonia. She didn't give me a second glance. Great. This was going to be the second time I was going to be ignored.

Well, it wasn't surprising that she wasn't a mentor. It had nothing to do with her grades. Sonia had always been a good student, better than me. It just so happened that her views on vampires weren't that great. Our new vampire students didn't deserve that.

Once the bell rang, Mrs. Ramirez passed out a sheet of paper. It was a questionnaire for four students. One of those sections was for you and three others.

Well, this was going to be a long class period.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now