T is for Traitor

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That night, Alexander stayed with me again. I didn't think he wanted to be alone. This time, however, he didn't turn into a kitten. Alexander held me until I fell asleep and he was gone by the time I woke to my alarm.

All of a sudden, my phone went off. It vibrated across my nightstand none stop. Frowning, I picked it up. Message after message appeared. They were all from the fan club. How did they get my number? It was probably Alexander who gave it to them. Either way, there was no time to worry about that now.

I scrolled through twenty messages before I reached the first one. It took seconds for me to catch up with the most recent. From what I gathered, the public wasn't happy and I was being blamed. 

A numbness washed over me. I shouldn't have been panicking but, I didn't have the energy anymore. What was panicking going to give me? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I knew, didn't I? People were going to believe what they wanted. They were going to blame someone and why not me? According to them, my involvement broke the engagement. 

"Nothing I can do about it," I told myself.

But despite all my efforts, I had no motivation to get ready. I did the minimum and managed a quick shower. Didn't bother to dry my hair. Mom had to check up on me to make sure I hadn't fallen asleep again. She kicked Dad and me out with some breakfast.

Neither of them said anything about the news. Or maybe they hadn't heard. Either way, I was grateful for it. I knew I was going to hear enough about it at school.

"Doing alright, kiddo?" Dad asked.

We joined the drop-off line. It was moving slower than usual.

"I - don't even know," I sighed. "I'm so tired of everything."

"Want to quit school and live in your room?" he asked.

I managed a smile. "Yes. Having celebrity status is hard work."

"I can drive you back home if you like."

"No, it's okay," I told him. "Maybe I'll take you up on that offer tomorrow."

"Sure thing kiddo."

I waved at my dad as he drove away. Adjusting my backpack, I made my way to the building, practically dragging my feet and staring at the ground.

My moment of being alone was quickly shattered. I heard my name on everyone's lips. Some of them even pointed at me. Sighing, I walked past them and towards my locker. However, everyone else had something else in mind.

A crowd met me halfway down the hallway. It was lead by the girls.

"What's going on?" I asked Brissa.

"Didn't you get our messages?" she asked.

"Yeah, about that," I began.

"There's no time," Sandra interrupted. "We need to move like yesterday."

I frowned. "What?"

"The vampires are going after you," Amber explained.

I looked around the hallway. For the most part, there were only humans here. Even the crowd of ten people or so were humans as well.

"Are they part of the fan club too?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah," Kerrie replied. "They've helped make posters and moderate our forum."

"That's not the point," Brissa interjected. "Rin, I don't think you understand what's going."

I pushed past them. "I'm going to be late for class."

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now