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Somehow, I convinced myself to go to school. Apart from my family and a select few, no one else knew I had been dating the Prince. Besides, if I stayed home, I'd probably spent the entire day crying or trying not to cry. I didn't want to waste time on Alexander. The best option would be to move on as quickly as possible. Dwelling on what happened wouldn't help me.

It was easier said than done.

My chin trembled on the way to school. Mom drove me today. She didn't say much. Quite frankly, she hadn't said much to me after I'd spilled my guts about everything.
I think she was in shock or something close to it.

Dad was the same way. Sure, they didn't outright ignore me but it was hard to read them. I didn't blame them. They needed time to process all that information.

Something that you need to be doing, a voice in my head piped up.

My chin trembled again.

Somehow, I made it to school without making a peep. I said goodbye to my mom and spend towards the building. That didn't stop me from hearing everyone's conversations on how they never suspected Cassidy to be royalty and how it was her that made the Prince change his way.

Not going to lie, I wanted to hurt them. They didn't even look good together. Plus, Alexander didn't like her. Why would he change for her?

I sighed.

I was caring too much about this. My face felt warm. I quickly wiped my eyes and headed towards my locker. Once I had something to distract myself with, I wouldn't be so emotional.

When I reached my locker, there was a small group gathered in front of it. Frowning, I approached.

"Excuse me," I said, "you're blocking the way."

The four girls looked at me and swarmed me.

"Girl, I'm so sorry," one of them said.

"We actually didn't see this coming," said another.

"Yeah, we are just as shocked. How are you holding up?"

"If there's anything you need," the last one said, "let us know. We got your back."

I stared at them for a long time. "Um, sorry. Who are you?"

"We're the Prince's fan club," answered the first girl.

"Well," began the third. "We are but we might not be." She placed her hand on my arm. "We don't think it's right that he cheated on you."

My gut twisted.

"Oh my gosh Kerrie," the second girl said, "you can't just say that in public."  She gave me a sad smile. "She didn't mean anything by it."

"Well, it's not right, Brissa," Kerrie said. She looked at me. "I'm mad on your behalf. We all are."

"Just so you know, we're Team Rin," Brissa said. "Amber and Sandra here want to organize a protest. The Prince and Cassidy? They are not meant to be together. Like at all."

"Uh, right," I said, "but the Prince and I weren't together. So, I don't know -"

Amber patted my arm. "It's okay Rin. He told us you two were dating."

"Yeah," Sandra interjected. "He used to come to the club meetings and talk about you for a really long time. We practically know everything about you two."

"His eyes lit up every time he spoke about you," Brissa added. "You should have seen his smile when he told us he was meeting your parents."

"You should totally steal him back," Amber said. "He obviously likes you more."

My vision blurred.

I cleared my throat but the lump wouldn't go away.

"I have to go," I muttered. "Excuse me."

Before they could stop me, I walked away. I found the nearest bathroom and locked myself in a stall.

The tears were hot on my cheeks. I muffled the sobs with my hands.

How could they tell me that? It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair that deep down I knew he didn't care about Cassidy. It wasn't fair that Alexander had or will (I didn't know anymore) marry Cassidy. Why hadn't he told me about her?

Would you still be with him if you had?

Maybe I would have. Maybe I wouldn't but now, there was no way of knowing for sure.

I squeezed my eyes shut and took several deep breaths. I needed to make it through the day. The last thing I needed was for anyone to see that I'd been crying.

When I had calmed down somewhat, I unlocked the stall and washed my face with cold water. I patted my eyes dry before looking at myself in the mirror. Except the person that caught my attention wasn't me, it was Sonia.

I quickly looked down. When had she come in? I hadn't heard the door open. What if she was here all along? Had she heard me crying?

"You can tell them your allergies are acting up," she suddenly said. "I'm sure you can fake sneezing."

Was she talking to me? Why? Had Hell froze over?

"Uh, yeah," I forced out hoarsely. "Er, thanks."

Sonia washed her hands in silence. Neither of us spoke. She turned the faucet off and looked at me.

"For what it's worth, thanks for watching out for Carlos."

I was taken back for a second. Was she being polite?

Before I could say anything, Sonia walked out. Then, the bell rang.

I looked at myself in the mirror again. Before I could think about anything that had to do with Sonia, I had to take care of myself. Healing myself came first. 

"I can do this," I said aloud. "I can do this."

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now