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Contrary to my earlier thoughts, a handful of days at Alexander's house turned to a week and a half. My parents got their suite in the mansion and they still went to work without any issues.

I, on the other hand, wasn't that lucky. Somehow my parents and Alexander both came to the agreement that I should have a tutor for the time being. It just so happened to be Mr. Adam (Alexander's old tutor from before) which wasn't too bad. We were even allowed to use the study during school hours.

Alexander attended class on and off but the majority of times he was followed by men and women in suits and two bodyguards. Sometimes, when I stared at him from afar, it hit me how different our daily lives are. There was no way I could walk beside him.

Most of the days passed without incident. They all had the same structure as before; rinse and repeat. While I did have a few hours to myself before dinner, I mostly spent them coloring through the book Alexander gave him and even watching movies.

"Miss?" Diane asked.

My maid walked into my bedroom. I looked up from the coloring book. I had asked Alexander to add a desk in my room. Using the study was reserved for royalty and I hadn't wanted to be an inconvenience.

"You have a visitor," she continued.

Frowning, I put my colored pencil down. "Who?"

As if on cue, Cassidy walked in. I closed the book and quickly stood. We stared at each other.

"Uh, please sit," I stammered out, gesturing to the love seats.

After a few awkward moments, I sat across from her.

"How have you been?" she asked.

Sighing, I looked around the room. "Like a fake," I admitted. Heat warmed my face. "I feel like I don't belong. Everyone has been so nice to me and are treating me like I should be here but it feels weird."

"Well, I won't say that I understand because that would be a lie but if His Highness wanted you here then just accept it. I'm sure if you ask him, he will take you back home."

I bit my lip. That was true. He would do that for me.

"But why are you here?" I asked, desperate to change the subject. "It couldn't be to check up on me."

"Well, I'm not going to lie," Cassidy said. "It has been rough. Our advisors are all running around like -" she stopped, frowning. "What was that expression? Like a headless chicken?"

Cassidy sighed and laid out across the couch. My mind went blank. This was . . . different.

"I thought going to school would make me feel normal. Having tutors is rather boring, to be honest."

Feeling awkward, I laid down on my couch. A heart-to-heart conversation was the last thing I expected.

"I understand being cooped up in one place," I told her. "Last year . . . I was being threatened - of course, nothing like what you're feeling - and um, I stayed in one place learning from a computer. It was boring."

Embarrassed, I glanced at her. I didn't want her to think I was making this about me. I just wanted her to know that I had also experienced sort of the same thing so I wasn't saying "I understand" to make her feel better.

"That must have been hard."

I shrugged. "Yeah, Alexander was in jail and I was alone. I mean, not that I'm trying to change the subject from your problems."

She laughed. "Rin, relax. This is how conversations go, you know." Cassidy sighed. "I did have a reason to come here though."

"What is it?"

"I want to talk to His Highness."

Frowning, I sat up. "Why can't you?"

Cassidy stared at the ceiling as she spoke. "Your man won't see me," she stated. "He's been avoiding my messages. Even the official ones with my family's seal."

"Why would he do that?"

At that moment, the door opened and Alexander walked in. Diane followed after him, looking pale. She had a tray of tea and cookies on it.

Alexander looked at me then Cassidy. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

Cassidy sat up, smoothing her hair. "I wouldn't have to pay your girlfriend a visit if you would just talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about -"

Cassidy stood. "Our kingdoms are about to go to war and you're telling there's nothing to talk about?!"

"What?" I asked.

Alexander sighed. "She's exaggerating. Old laws don't apply anymore."

"That's not what my advisors think," she told him. "Even my father is listening to them. When I ended our engagement, they took it like I declared war."

I gaped between them. Maybe I shouldn't be listening to this type of conversation.

"Then fix it," Alexander retorted.

"I'm trying but you won't answer my letters!"

He rubbed the back of his neck. Our eyes met. With a slight smile, Alexander walked to me and placed an arm around my shoulders.

"Fine," he told Cassidy. "Let's talk."

As he sat, he pulled me down beside him. Diane swiftly put the tea on the coffee table and departed. Crossing her arms, Cassidy sat.

"First things first," she said. "We need a treaty which means both current Kings must be present."

"Good luck convincing them," Alexander muttered.

Cassidy glared at him. "You need to take this more seriously."

"Yes, alright. I'll talk to my father."

"You make it sound so easy," she muttered. 

"My father is not as understanding."

"Believe me, mine isn't either."

"I think it'll help if you have a plan," I said.

They both looked at me. I couldn't bring myself to look at them. Why was I even saying anything in the first place?

"Sorry," I muttered.

"What sort of plan?" Cassidy asked.

I rubbed the back of my head. "Um, well, like tell them what you're planning on doing? Their Kings. So, don't you think you should convince them to attend a meeting together? Not like your parents but as Kings."

They didn't say anything. I was going to apologize again until Alexander smiled.

"That's not a bad idea," he said. "I didn't think I'd have to write a decent paper to convince my father to sign a treaty."

"Paper?" I asked.

"I think so too," Cassidy said, ignoring my question. "It's time to talk to my father like a princess."

Alexander kissed my head. "Thanks for advising us," he said. "We would have been in trouble if you hadn't."

Cassidy nodded. "Yes. Thanks, Rin." She stood. "I'll take my leave. Hopefully next time I come to visit, it will be as Princess Caldor. I'll see myself out."

We watched Cassidy leave. Out of nowhere, Alexander scooped me up.

"W-what are you doing? Put me down."

He grinned, showing me his fangs. "I think someone deserves a little reward," he said. 

I gulped. "Um, no. It's okay."

Alexander ignored me and carried me to the bed. "Don't worry. You'll enjoy it."

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now