Making Plans

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Mom baked brownies for dessert that evening. I took it more like a bribe. There were hints that she and Dad wanted to have some time alone. I took the cues and the brownies up to my bedroom and closed the door. 

As I ate, I finished a few assignments for next week. To say that I was bored was an understatement. The last few months were only filled with staying on top of my online classes, studying, doing homework, and avoiding the news. Being grounded hadn't done much for my social life either - what little I had of one.

When I finished the last of my assignments, I closed my laptop and made my way to my closet. I had a few Jigsaw puzzles that I hadn't completed yet. Mom thought it was a good idea to get a hobby and had ordered me ten sets of one thousand piece puzzles. I had completed one of a garden. The others were still unopened. Well, I guess I knew what I was doing for the rest of the night.

From what was left, I picked the one with a lot of hot air balloons on the box. At least this one didn't seem to have different shades of the same color. I was working on the border when I heard a familiar knock on my window. I didn't have to say anything. Alexander simply appeared in my room. He immediately sat on my bed and fell back. I peaked over the edge at him.

"Hello to you too," I said.

Alexander looked at me. You would think vampires couldn't look exhausted but they could and right now, Alexander seemed ready to collapse.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I thought humans liked the sound of their voice," he said, "but honestly, vampires are worst."

I climbed up on the bed with him. "Sorry to hear that. At least it's over, right?"

He closed his eyes. "Not even close. There's this ball in two weeks and they want me to attend."

"Oh yeah," I told him. "Cassidy mentioned that."

His eyes opened. "She told you that?"

"Yeah." I didn't include the part where I'd accidentally her that I knew about the royal families in town.

"You two seem close."


A wave of de ja vu washed over me. Hadn't we had this conversation before?

"I don't like to share," he answered.

"Neither do I," I told him.

"I know," he simply said. "It's why we're good together."

That was the first I was hearing about this. "Really?" I asked. "You think so?"

Alexander pulled me down to him. I landed awkwardly beside him.

"When I'm with you," he began, "I can be myself. I don't have to pretend. You don't have an agenda unlike everyone else that I meet. Plus, it's nice to have somewhere to hide."

My insides melted. I ducked my head down as my face warmed. That was too sweet. He must be exhausted. Before I could change my mind, I leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"It's better here," he said pointing at his lips.

Smiling, I leaned forward again. This time he was ready. He curved his hand behind my neck and pulled me closer. I planted a kiss on his lips.

"Feeling better?" I mumbled.

"Not yet."

My stomach did a flip. He was unbelievable.

"That's all you're getting," I told him.

He looked up at me with puppy eyes. I raised an eyebrow.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now