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More like an office meeting than anything else. 

Alexander sat beside the King on the right side. The King at the head of the table and Violet sat across from him.  No one else occupied the ten or so seats. Neither Violet nor the King looked up from their glasses. Alexander hadn't bothered to touch his. 

Try as he might, he still hadn't figured out why the King had requested his presence for 'dinner'. Why was he trying to be a family now? It hadn't mattered to him before. 

"All our efforts are finally paying off," the King suddenly said. "Aren't you glad you were wrong?"

Alexander gave him a look. Was he being smug right now? Oddly enough, it reminded him of Rin. And those two thoughts should never mix. Plus, why was he being so childish about it?

"Why am I here?" Alexander asked instead.

"We're having dinner," the King replied.

"What did you want to talk about?" Alexander continued.

The King set his glass down. "Why is it that we can never have a regular conversation at home?"

"Because no matter the conversation it always ends up being something about responsibility or making sure I don't screw up."

"That is," Violet began.

The King raised his hand stopping her. "I meant nothing by having you here," he told Alexander. "I wanted a nice family dinner. It's been a long time since we've gotten to spend time together."

Alexander sat back in his chair. Despite his attempts, he couldn't bring himself to look at the King. He had to bite back his reply. Part of him knew that the King hadn't been behind the mafia bringing Rin to the Ball and yet, another part of him blamed him for announcing his engagement. 

"It was brought to my attention that you contacted a certain organization," the King suddenly said.

Ah. So that's why he wanted me here.

"Something like that." Alexander shrugged. " But don't worry, it has nothing to do with the Royal family. I know how you like maintaining our clean image."

"It's not about our image," Violet suddenly spoke up. She sipped on her glass before setting it down. "Your father is concerned about the implications - "

"I wasn't asking them for any favors," Alexander retorted. "But seeing how you both are so interested in what I do, I'll think about tell you."

"Are you still upset about your relationship?" the  King asked. "Is this why you're being like this?"

No matter what he would respond with, Alexander knew the King would just wave it off and give some speech about sacrifice. Instead, he chose to say nothing. It was easier than trying to explain.

"Even if you are upset," the King continued at Alexander's silence, "that is no reason to take it out on anyone else. A future King can't be petty."

There it was. Well, this time, Alexander wasn't going to sit there and say anything.

"Is it really necessary to have the union between our family and the Caldor family?" Alexander asked. "I mean, what's the point of it now? Isn't it just for show?"

The King sighed. "This arrangement was made a very long time ago. You, yourself, agreed to this."

"But the times have changed, haven't they? We needed their support and now we don't."

"That's not how it works," the King reminded him. "Even though we have shown great progress in this time, I'm not blind enough to believe that there won't be problems in the future. If our people see two great respected families join together, they'll know we have their best interest in mind."

"Don't they already know that? I mean, the laws have passed and the neighborhoods are doing better. There's no war."

"We have to be vigilant," the King said. "We still speak for our people. It might not work for humans anymore but it does for us and having two royal families on a united front, shows that our monarchy is here to stay."

It was always a history lesson with him. He wanted honest answers. 

"Were you happy?" Alexander asked. He met the King's gaze. "Were you happy with my mother?"

An uncomfortable silence filled the air. 

"Where is this - ?" the King began.

Alexander turned to Violet. "It has nothing to do with you so, don't bother getting upset over it."

The King stood. "That is no way to speak to my wife."

Alexander stared into his glass. Why couldn't he just get a straight answer? It had nothing to do with Violet. 

"If the Caldor family backed out of the engagement, would you respect their wishes?" he asked.

"Leave," the King said quietly. "It's obvious you don't want to be here."

Alexander clenched his jaw. Wordlessly, he stood and walked out of the dining room. Light steps fell in step behind him. He stopped.

"Walk with me," Violet said.

He hesitated before falling in step beside her. They walked slowly.

"He was happy," Violet suddenly said. "He's been happy with all of his wives." At Alexander's silence, she continued. "As you know, each one of his wives has their turn at the King's side. Even if they are not at his side anymore, he still cares about them."

"Is that why he gives them fancy houses and never lets anyone visit them?"

Violet shook her head at Alexander. "I visit all the time," she answered. "You should visit as well. They all miss you."

"I seriously doubt that," he said quietly. 

Violet stopped and Alexander did too.

"Your mother asks about you," she told him.

"Is that why every time I want to see her, she refuses me?" he asked. 

Violet placed a hand on his arm. "Your Highness- " she began.

Alexander moved away from her touch. "I know why she needs to," he said, "I'm not a child anymore."

"You're worried about marrying into the Caldor family."  

"I don't want to lose Rin," he confessed. "Everything I've done has been for her."

"And your people?"

He sighed. "Yes, for them too."

Violet gave him a slight smile. "Well, if the Caldor family breaks off the engagement, the King can't stop them. After all, we only need their support."

She left him with his thoughts and a plan. 

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now