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Alexander sat uncertainly in front of his father. A large desk sat between them but it might as well be nonexistent. Reports were spread out across the desk and had captured the King's attention even though he had summoned Alexander. Nevertheless, Alexander remained calm and composed. 

So far, he had done everything he could to get out of the engagement. Alexander had poured over the same reports the King looked at now and even reports dating back almost five years ago. He couldn't figure out how their royal family benefited from the marriage. 

He also didn't need to wrack his brain on what his father could talk to him about. To Alexander, it was clear as day. All there was now was to wait for the King to speak. However, Alexander couldn't let this opportunity pass. It was time he got some answers.

"What problems is King Caldor facing that he would seek an alliance?" he asked.

King Rothchester glanced up from the reports. "What makes you think there are problems?"

"What else could it be?" Alexander asked. "I've wracked my brain over it for days and this is the only thing that makes sense. I don't believe that King Caldor would marry his daughter off without a really good reason."

The King sat back in his chair. "I was told you went as far as asking Princess Cassidy to end the engagement."

Alexander stood. "I know we've already had this conversation," he interjected. "But please, listen. I care no, I love Rin. It might seem like I'm trying to dodge my responsibilities of doing what's right as the next King, but I'm not."

"It might seem that way, huh?"

"Yes!" Alexander sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Father, as your heir, it is my responsibility to know what alliance I'm getting into. It is your responsibility to tell me. I will not agree to a blind alliance."

The King was silent for a moment before speaking. "The people believe that it's time for their monarchy to retire," he answered. "They don't want a to be ruled. They believe there are many issues between vampires and humans because they don't live as one people. If the monarchy  steps aside, unity would be easier to reach."

Alexander sat down. This wasn't what he had been expecting. He could believe financial troubles and even political help, but not this. 

"How do we fit into all of this?" he asked.

"King Caldor believes that with a new generation ruling over vampires, the unity the people want will happen. He sought us out because of our progression with humanity."

"And you didn't think to tell me all of this before the Ball?" 

"You're not King, yet. You weren't even Heir."

Alexander looked away. Leave it to his father to find loopholes in everything.

"Does Cassidy know about this?" he asked.

King Rothchester folded his fingers on his stomach. "What do you think?"

"She doesn't," Alexander replied flatly. "She already doesn't want to end our engagement, if she knew the truth, she would oppose it more."

"There you have it," the King said. 

Alexander sat back. To retire the monarch, was something he'd never considered. He understood where they were coming from, in some way, but King Caldor wouldn't just set down. If Alexander thought about it, it all boiled down to the fact that King Caldor didn't think his daughter was capable of ruling their people. 

"If Cassidy doesn't want to marry me," Alexander suddenly said, "what can King Caldor do? What could you do?"

A wry smile appeared on King Rothchester's face. 

"I can't speak for King Caldor but, as for me, don't forget you aren't my only child."

Alexander felt like he'd been punched. There was a bitter taste in his mouth. How could he forget the King only cared about his offspring when it suited him? Alexander had never met his siblings. He didn't know where they were or how many of them there were. 

"A King can find different solutions to a problem," Alexander heard himself say. "As King, I can still support Cassidy's efforts without getting married to her."

"Perhaps," the King answered. 

Neither of them spoke for some time. It was nice to know that his father didn't have any alliance with the mafia. They had already intervened too many times in royal affairs.

Now that he knew the truth about what was at risk, it changed things.  Alexander hadn't lied when he'd said he was taking responsibility. Yes, he still didn't intend to marry Cassidy and he would still keep the throne but he wasn't going to ignore the fact that King Caldor needed their help. Alexander was going to help them out with their issues. To do that, he would need to speak to Cassidy. Considering how they ended this last time, he wasn't sure she would speak to him.

It's worth a try, Alexander thought to himself. That's all I can do. Is try.

"King Caldor can be a stubborn man," King Rothchester suddenly said. "I don't need to remind you to tread carefully, do I?"

Alexander met the King's gaze. "I'll see myself out," he said.

As soon as he was outside, he messaged Cassidy.

 'We need to talk,' he sent. 

His thumb hovered over Rin's number. Should he tell her the good news? What he would give to talk to her but he'd promised to give her space. If only he knew if he had forgiven him. What if she doesn't? said a nasty thought. 

Alexander came to an abrupt halt. His chest ached. 

"No," he said aloud. 

He wasn't going to think that. There was no room in his plan for doubt. He trusted in her feelings for him. Sure, maybe Rin wouldn't forgive him but he had to believe she would still let him try to win her back. 

Alexander's cellphone buzzed in his hand. 

'Yes, we do,' Cassidy replied. 

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now