Let's Talk

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Miraculously, Alexander texted me when he left. Granted they were emojis but it was better than nothing. Even though I didn't normally see Alexander throughout the day, I would still miss him. It felt like would disappear again and never return my messages. It would take me a while to not automatically jump to that thought.

Instead of having lunch inside, I went out to the picnic tables with my food. Did I feel down? Kind of. I concluded that I didn't like sharing. Much. I understood Alexander had to do his own thing, but I'd just got him back. If we wanted this to work, we needed to come up with a way to make this all work. Maybe I had to make an appointment with his secretary or something. Then again, did he even have a secretary? I'd have to ask.

"You alright?"

I jumped and silently cursed myself. It wasn't often someone snuck up on me. Cassidy stood by the picnic table holding a pear in her hands. She placed it in front of me.

"Sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to scare you. I mean, I called your name but you didn't hear me."

I waved away her apology. "It's fine. I shouldn't be daydreaming." Realizing how that sounded, I quickly added, "in general, you know? Everyone needs to be aware of their surroundings."

Cassidy smiled. "I know what you meant, Rin."

I cleared my throat. "So, what's up?"

"May I sit?" She gestured to the table.

"Yeah, go ahead."

She wanted something. My mom used this tactic all the time.

"I hear the Heir is gone," she began.

Why wasn't I surprised? Of course, she was going to bring this up. Of course, she had waited until Alexander was gone.

"Oh?" I said. "I didn't notice."

"It's hard not to notice everyone talking about you two."

If she wanted a reaction, she had one. My heartbeat betrayed me.

"What have you heard?" I asked. "Oh wait, don't tell me. I can probably guess."

Cassidy didn't speak. I took this as a sign to continue.

"They're probably saying about how my locker was vandalized and how I spent all day with the Prince at study hall. Let me tell you, it was the worst time of my life." I snapped my fingers. "Let's not forget how he was arrested."

"Rin," she said quietly. "This isn't a joke."

I frowned. "Well, duh. This happened."

Now, I was really confused. I had no idea what she wanted. The way she stared at me, made me think she knew way more than she should have. Hadn't Alexander said he'd take care of her?

"I'm not stupid Rin," Cassidy suddenly said. "Something is happening between you and the Heir."

I opened my mouth and closed it, not sure what to say. Cassidy continued without stopping.

"It's happened to everyone and you're not alone. I'm surprised you held out this long."

Now, I was lost.

Cassidy must have seen my expression because she continued. "It's perfectly normal to develop a crush on the Heir. I'm sure you know about a vampire's Allure. What you're feeling now is part of that. Now, I'm not saying that what you're saying isn't real -"

"Cassidy, stop."

I was having trouble making sense of it all. She wasn't entirely wrong but she wasn't entirely right either. Did I want to clear up her confusion? If I did, that would bring other problems but I also didn't want her to keep thinking that I was under Alexander's Allure. The effects of Allure didn't affect me as strongly as everyone else.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now