Backroom Dealing

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If there was thing Alexander hated was the fact that he didn't have Cassidy's contact information. Now, he had to physically go there to talk to her about their engagement. He knew he should have dealt with this as soon as he had the chance but Alexander hadn't considered the possibility of being crowned Heir. It's not like he was going to refuse the crown but, if he was being honest, he had hoped the King would have waited.

Considering how now was a good time as any, Alexander had a chauffeur take him to Cassidy's house. It was located in the same neighborhood as the King's mansion. The houses around the area were reserved for visiting politicians, noble houses, and the occasional celebrity.

Homes, in general, were difficult to find. There were fewer and fewer neighborhoods that allowed residents of both species. Creating or, better yet, advocating for more neighborhoods to allow vampires to live in their communities might solve the issue. Hadn't the Board been fussing about that issue?

Groaning, Alexander rubbed the bridge of his nose. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about work. If he wasn't so mortified by his brain, he'd probably laugh. The King hadn't finally made it so Alexander was always thinking about his responsibilities.

"Sir," the chauffeur said, "we've arrived."

"I won't be long," he said.

Without waiting, Alexander stepped out of the car.

The house of Caldor royalty was one of the modest ones. It was a two-story house with a balcony and two bay windows. There were lights throughout the house. It was then that he realized he hadn't told them he was stopping by.

They'll just have to deal with it, Alexander said to himself. This wasn't a social visit.

He rang the doorbell and waited. To his surprise, it was King Caldor who answered. Dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt, Alexander almost didn't recognize him.

"Good evening," Alexander said. "I'm here to speak with Cassidy."

It wasn't the best option but, at this point, he didn't care. There was a time to be polite and there was a time when politeness got in the way.

"We weren't expecting your visit, Your Highness."

Right. It wasn't going to be this easy.

"Apologies, Your Majesty, my eagerness seemed to have gotten the best of me."

"Dad, who is it?"

Cassidy came into view. She joined her father at the door.

"Your Highness," she said, smiling. "To what do we owe this surprise?"

"I need a moment of your time," he forced out.

Cassidy looked at her father. "I have time. This way please."

Alexander followed her inside. To his surprise, they walled up to her room.

"We'll have some privacy here," she said, closing the door behind them. "All the rooms are soundproof."

"Convenient," he muttered.

Cassidy sat on the bed. "Make yourself comfortable."

"I'm fine."

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"It's about the engagement," he began.

"Well, you don't have to worry about anything," she quickly said. "I'll take care of everything. I know how busy it can get."

Alexander frowned.

"Cassidy," he said, "I'm here to talk to you about breaking off the engagement."

Cassidy's eyes widened. Shock and hurt contorted her features. She stood, quickly looking away. When she turned to face him, her face was composed.

"So," she said, coldly, "now that you've gotten the throne, you think you don't need anyone to rule at your side."

"Not at all," he replied. "I'm sure neither of us wants to marry the other person. We met, what, twice before the ball? Let's be honest, that's not much of a relationship."

"Yes," she said flatly. "Twice considering how you always ditched our dates and never once responded to my calls or messages. 'F*ck off' was what you told me the second time."

Right. He had said that.

"Then why didn't you break it off?" he asked. "Don't tell me you thought I was going to come around."

She didn't speak.


"Let's end it," he repeated. "Our families can sign an alliance treaty instead. Everyone gets what they want."

"Not everyone," she growled out.

Alexander refused to believe Cassidy had any romantic feelings for him. Not once had he treated with anything other than contempt. This was perhaps their first real conversation. Why would anyone like the previous version of himself? Plus, the only person he showed his true self was to Rin.

"You can marry any other noble if that is your wish," he began.

"No," she interjected. "I have spent all my life being told that I am to marry you. You can't even imagine all the sacrifices I had to make.

"I couldn't even date because of you. And now you're telling me to forget about it? Yeah, no."

Alexander clenched his jaw. She had a point.

"Is this because of Rin?" she asked. "Did she ask you to do this?"

Whatever he said, she wouldn't believe him.

"No," he answered. "She didn't ask me to do this."

"You know she'll die."

"I know but I rather spend a handful of decades at her side than years with someone I don't love."

"Well, this is the price for the throne. You can't have both. It's either the crown or Rin. Choose."

Alexander shook his head. "You should know me by now," he said quietly. "I'm greedy."

Cassidy crossed her arms. "I guess we're done here then."

"I guess we are."

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