The Talk

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Ever since my confession to my parents, they didn't let me leave their sight. I wasn't grounded exactly but my access to my phone and social media was limited. I was only allowed to be online for school. It made sense. I had betrayed their trust and hid my relationship with Alexander. Honestly, I think it would have been fine if my boyfriend had been some regular human and not the Vampire Prince.

Dad's silent treatment was the worst. He hadn't said but five words to me. Mostly it was just 'yes' or 'no' and 'good night'. And Mom, she was just angry I hadn't trusted them about. . . everything.

At least I hadn't let the cat out of the bag . . . about Alexander being our pet cat Arthur. They would never forgive me for that. Plus, I'd rather not taint their memory of him anymore. But if there was one good thing that had come out of this was that now I could talk to my parents about all of this.

"Alexander spoke to me at school today," I told them during dinner.

I kept my gaze on my plate.

"He's hoping we get back together . . . I think."

I shrank down, waiting to hear their outbursts, but they stayed silent.

"He's still going to school?" Mom asked.

"I guess so," I replied. "He has to keep an image of being able to do everything I supposed."

"I hope you're not thinking about dating him," Dad interjected sharply. "It's bad enough you did it behind our backs."

"John," Mom said, sternly.

I glanced up at her. Mom turned to me.

"Rin, it's going to take a lot for us to trust you again. We dealt with Micah as a family before and it's very hurtful for you not to tell us he was harassing you again. We're going to need some time."

My chin trembled. "Yeah, okay," I forced out.

"And," Mom continued. "We don't want you dating that . . . boy. He's not good enough for you. Plus, he's gotten you into so much drama, it's not worth it."

"So, it doesn't matter if he's a vampire?" I dared to ask.

It wasn't like I was thinking about getting back together with Alexander. But I did want to know where they stood on me dating a vampire.

"Of course it does," Dad immediately said.

Both Mom and I looked at him in surprise. Then again, maybe I shouldn't have been. Dad hadn't taken a step on the weary-about-vampires-train so it made sense that it extended towards me dating one.

"How serious can a vampire be in a relationship?" Dad continued. "Are they going to stay with you for more than five years? It probably won't last that long."

"Ian and Caleb are happy together," Mom reminded him.

"Maybe I'm being cynical," he said with a shrug. He shook his head. "It makes you think how long it's going to last."

"John," Mom began.

"Let's be real," he said," sure, you love this person. Are you going to marry them? Have kids? Can they have kids with humans? There's just a lot of unanswered questions."

I wanted the ground to swallow me. Are we going to have this conversation? I really shouldn't have opened this can of worms.

"An adoption is always an option," Mom piped up.

"How are you going to explain to your kid when your mom or dad aren't aging?" Dad asked. "Or that they have a different diet?"

Mom shook her head. "Vampires live among us. I doubt it's going to be too difficult to explain to a child that their parent is a little different."

I took a sip of my drink. This was getting a bit awkward.

"My point is," Dad continued. "I won't accept Rin dating the Vampire Prince." He looked at me. "He attacked you twice and made us go through that ridiculous contract. I can't simply forget any of that. I'm surprised you were able to forgive him."

I held his gaze. "I know Dad," I said, "I still hold it over him, you know. He apologizes when I remind him of it." I shrugged. "He changed a lot and that's when I started to like him." My face warmed. I sighed. "But he didn't tell me he was engaged to someone and I can't be the person that ruins a relationship."

"But did they have much of a relationship?" Mom suddenly asked. "The vampires still have a monarchy. I'm no expert but engagements were - or in this case - are used as a means for an alliance. Peace between different rulers."

Which side was Mom on? Was she trying to hook Alexander and me back together? Nevertheless, Dad was having none of it.

"You want our daughter to be a mistress?"

Mom crossed her arms. "That's not what I'm saying at all. If the Vampire Prince is willing to denounce his heritage for Rin then, I approve of their relationship."

"Please don't talk about me like I'm not here," I interjected. "I know you have some strong opinions over who I date but Alexander and I aren't getting back together. I don't want to be the reason why he and Cassidy break it off their engagement."

My parents frowned.

"Alexander?" Mom asked.

I bit my lip. "That's his name," I told him. "'Alex' was just something I made up on the spot. His real name is Alexander."

"Well, that's a much better name," Mom muttered.

Dad shook his head. "Let's just finish dinner. We can discuss this another time."

I, for one, was happy to agree. It was creepy hearing my parents talk about my relationship. I could do with less of that.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now