Making Friends

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Lisa and Cassidy sat with me during lunch. Connor and Miguel were nowhere in sight. Unlike the previous times, Lisa wasn't going on a rant and Cassidy wasn't exactly grinning from ear to ear.

"So, I'm guessing you got home alright?" I asked her. 

Cassidy looked up. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I did. Nothing went wrong."

"That's good to hear," I muttered. 

They went back to staring off into their little world. I wasn't someone to fill the silence but this was getting to be too much. 

"So, since Miguel isn't here," I said. "How about you guys tell me about the royals families in town."

With wide eyes, they looked at me. They shared a glance between them and continue to stare at me.

"Who told you that?" Cassidy asked. 

Realizing my mistake, my stomach dropped. Alexander hadn't told me that this was all a secret. He spoke as if everyone knew. 

"No one in particular," I replied. "Just heard some vampires talking. I thought I'd asked." I cleared my throat. Hopefully, they took my raging heart as a sign of fear or something. 

"I won't say anything to anybody," I continued. "It's not like people are vying from my friendship or attention."

"Well, yeah," Lisa said. She shrugged and looked at Cassidy. "If she knows, she knows. Besides, I think we've gotten a little closer. I'd say we're at the point where we can share information."

Cassidy bit her lip. "True. I do owe you one." She nodded to herself. "Rin, you have to promise not to mention it to anybody else."

I crossed my heart. "Trust me. I don't have anybody to tell."

Lisa eagerly leaned forward. "There are vampire royals in town. It's all hush though. The paparazzi is worst than a swarm of mosquitoes."

I masked my laugh as a cough. The only comparison I had in my head for that was for vampires. It was terrible but I couldn't help it. 

"The royals like to get together for some fun and socialization," Lisa continued. "To catch up the last few decades that sort of thing. The current throne family entertains them and then at the end, they hold this massive ball as a farewell event. That's when the royal families finally tell the paparazzi that they're in town and it becomes this major thing."

Alexander had said he had been in meetings. We're they actually business-related or was he just entertaining the royal members? Either way, it sounded like a headache. I was glad I wasn't in his shoes. 

"It's like a big family reunion," I said. "Drama is sure to happen."

"Well duh," Lisa interjected. "Everyone is in an uproar about the Heir. It's all anyone has talked about these last few months. I'm surprised he has calmed down. Scratch that. Everyone is surprised. Something good must have happened to him."

Cassidy looked at me. "I think it suits him," she said. "That new persona of his was getting tiring."

Lisa rolled her eyes. "It was embarrassing to watch all the news. Plus, there was only so much Violet could do to keep the media off of him. The Heir, of course, didn't help at all."

"So," I said. "This ball thing. Everyone attends or what. Or is it just royalty that attends?"

Cassidy pursed her lips. "Well, the royals all attend but there are a few commoners that are chosen. It works as an appreciation certificate. If the royals are impressed by what you did to them and you left a great impression, they might extend an invitation to you."

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