Blind Sided

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On the way home, I couldn't get the conversation that I had with Caleb out of my head. It hadn't been anything extraordinary or eye-opening, per se, but I just couldn't help thinking about it. Dating a vampire and dating a human, I only had experience with one. I couldn't compare the two. All I knew was that I did want to be with Alexander even if we couldn't spend too much time together. All we could, for now, was to try to work around it.

"Did you have fun?" Mom asked. "You and Caleb seemed to have gotten along."

I shrugged. "Yeah, we talked. He told me dating a vampire and dating a human is the same thing. It doesn't change."

My parents exchanged a glance.

"Dating huh?" This was Dad.

"Did Alex ask you out?" Mom asked.

I bit my lip. It was time they knew I was dating someone. Well, maybe not all the truth just yet. But if not now, when? Alexander wanted me to tell my parents and it wasn't fair that I hadn't.

"Something like that," I said. "He asked if it would be something that I would be interested in." I shrugged. "I told him I would think about it."

I glanced at Dad. He hadn't said anything. He wouldn't even look at me. Mom was trying to get his attention but he wasn't looking at her either. 

"Well, I, for one, am glad that you're interested in someone. It shows progress and if you think you are ready for a relationship then the only thing I can do is to be smart about it. Talk to us about anything that is going on." She paused then added, "do we have to give you The Talk?"

I think Dad almost had a heart attack. I almost choked on my spit. My face burned. Only she would think about that. I mean, Alexander wouldn't . . . we wouldn't . . . we barely kissed. Nothing else was going to happen.

"That won't be necessary," I forced out.

"If you do decide to date," Mom continued. "We have to meet his parents and we'll have to talk to both of you. You're a human and he's a vampire. Both families have to be sure about all of this and lay everything on the table."

I couldn't imagine my parents having to meet The King and Violet. That would be awkward. How long until my parents found out that I was dating the Vampire Prince? They would hate me for lying to them. 

"Sure," I heard myself say. "But I haven't decided on anything yet. I'll let you know if it's ever official."

I went to bed early that night. Mom and Dad needed to talk. I could tell by the way Dad barely returned my hug and the curt words he said to us. So, he did have an issue with vampires and, perhaps, me dating one.  I hoped Dad would be open to the idea. It wasn't like I didn't know where he was coming from, but I owed Alexander to let my parents know that I was dating him. If not him specifically, then dating in general.

The next morning, Mom came into my room way too early than usual. I knew this because I was not ready to wake up. Normally, I'm not ready to wake up early than eleven but this was earlier for her.

"Rin. Rin!"

"What?" I groaned out. 

"Why didn't you tell us you were invited to the Ball?"

It took me a moment to register what she'd said. Once I did, I shot up. My head spun.

"What?" I asked again.

Mom had her arms crossed over her t-shirt. "Someone from the Royal family is downstairs saying that she needs to take you out to dress you. Her name is Camellia."

I felt sick. How could Camellia do this to me?

"What else did she say?" I asked.

"It's because you were a huge help in getting that vampire law passed that they wish for you to be there. The King is making a huge announcement and it's supposed to be important. Don't tell me you haven't heard."

"Uh, no. I hadn't. No one told me about anything."

Mom shook her head. "How can they spring this upon us? If we refuse, it's an insult. Your dad isn't happy about it. Then again, he hasn't been happening about the co-species school since it went into effect."

"So, me telling him I might date a vampire didn't sit so well with him either, huh?"

"Oh, sweetie." Mom sat beside me. She pulled me into her side. "I'll deal with him. If you like him and want to date him, then do it."

Guilt tightened my stomach. Why hadn't I learned to tell my parents about everything at this point? 

"Alright," I said. "So, who did you say was downstairs?"

"Camellia," she replied. 

I frowned. Why did it always have to be her? She just loved to make my life more difficult. I knew I owed them a lot but still, did they have to go through all this to remind me?

"Tell her I'll be done in like twenty minutes. I need a shower."

"Sure thing." Mom kissed my forehead before heading downstairs.

Thirty minutes later, I went downstairs. Camellia waited in the living room with both of my parents. Camellia smiled when she saw me.

"Miss Borek," she said, "ready to go?"

"I am," I replied. "How long is this going to take exactly?"

"Until you find a dress you like," she answered. "We have a large selection and we want to make sure you find the perfect dress."

I forced a smile. "Great."

Dad looked ready to speak, but Mom placed a hand on his. "Well, have fun. Keep us updated and let us know when you're coming home."

I waved goodbye and followed Camellia out the front door. Thankfully, they weren't driving a fancy car. By 'they, I meant Camellia but it seemed like it was only us two for the day. Hooray. 

"You have your resident ID, yes?" she asked.

I patted my pocket. "I have it."

We climbed into the car. "So, where exactly are we going?" I asked. "And, was this necessary? You could have brought me a catalog and I could have chosen a dress."

She smiled. "I suppose we could have." She didn't say anything else.

We left the neighborhood and took the road towards the city. Camellia hummed to a low-playing tune on the radio. 

"Does Ale- er - the Prince know that I'll be attending?" I asked.

"Not unless you tell him," she said. 

"My mom mentioned there's supposed to be an announcement by the King. Do you  know anything about that?"

"It's over the coronation," Camellia supplied. "Everyone will be there which is why we must find you a suitable gown to wear."

"Does The Prince know anything about this?" I swore I sounded like a broken record.

"Only if you tell him," she replied. Then again, so did she.

I didn't ask Camellia any questions after that. She wouldn't give me straight answers. Besides, I didn't want to know too much either. I'd feel like I was lying to Alexander more than I already was. The only excuse I could come up with was that I didn't want to burden him. He had so much to deal with. I didn't want to become a source of worry for him.

I sighed. Well, he wasn't going to be happy when he saw me at the Ball. Or maybe he would. Either way, there wasn't anything I could do about it at the moment.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now