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In the silence of the Principal's office, I texted Alexander.  Most of the vampires hadn't come to school. The royals were included in that number. Plus, he had left without saying anything weird. 

"He's probably busy," I said to myself.

But why would he leave without saying anything? Or maybe I was being overdramatic. Sighing, I looked down at my phone. He wasn't answering.

'You've just caused a war,' Brissa had said. 

"But that's stupid," I whispered. 

I folded my arms on the table and rested my head on them. A gaping hole had opened up inside my chest. It was stupid. What war? I didn't have that ability. I wasn't that important. They were just . . . just stupid. 

My phone pinged with a notification. I opened it up and it brought me to Tweetter. Alexander was trending and so was Cassidy. Against my better judgment, I scrolled through the posts. It's not like I had anything better to do. Well, I guess I did but today was not going to be a day of productivity. 

[This is just a publicity stunt. They'll get back together.]

[To think a human came between two vampires. Gives us hope.]

[Why is nobody talking about how hurt Princess Cassidy must be feeling rn?]

[It's the Caldor's fault for making this public. It's so embarrassing. No wonder they ended the engagement.]

[What is Prince Rothchester gonna do with a human?]

[Omg what if he marries her?]

I sat up. Marry?! According to every share and like on this post, many people were supporting that idea. What was wrong with them? I wasn't even eighteen yet.

My face warmed. Was I entertaining this thought? I shook my head. No. I was in love with Alexander, and though we have never talked about a future together, I didn't see myself as someone who could rule at his side. That lifestyle wasn't me.

We'll need to talk about that, I thought to myself, once this blows over.

I put my phone down and tried to do some work but I ended up rereading the same sentence over and over again. Not a day of productivity indeed. There were ten minutes till lunch when the door to the Principal's office suddenly opened. I sat up quickly, trying to look as busy as possible.

To my surprise, however, it wasn't Ms. Kim who walked in but Alexander. Behind him, two men and two women walk in wearing black suits. At a closer look, Alexander also had a suit but it was navy instead of black.

Frowning, I stood. Why did he have bodyguards with him?

"Alexander?" I asked. "What's going on?"

Instead of replying, he grabbed my backpack and started packing up my books and pencils. After finishing, he handed my backpack to one of his guards.

"You have everything you need?" he asked. 

"For school? Yeah. Why?"

He gently placed his hand on my elbow. 

"Let's go."

Though confused, I followed him out. His bodyguards walked quickly. I felt like I was practically carried to the back of the school.

"Does Ms. Kim know you're taking me?" I asked.

Alexander barely spared me a look. "Hmm? Oh, it's fine."

Irritated, I yanked my arm away from him.

"Please tell me what's going on."

Everyone came to a stop around me. Alexander refused to meet my gaze.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now