The Spotlight

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Alexander walked with me to the office so that I could call my parents. There was no way I was going to stay at school anymore. I'm sure everyone was dying to ask me if it was true. Maybe they were dying to attack. I didn't know but some of his fans were . . . extra. Cassidy left school on her own to deal with her father. 

With Alexander at my side, I convinced the receptionist to let me use the phone. Mom was the one who picked up her cell phone first. 

"Mom, I need you to pick me up," I said, my voice breaking.

"Rin, what happened? Did you get hurt?"

"Mr. Keys hasn't called you?" I asked. I wiped the tears from my eyes. "It's just - everyone knows I dated the Prince. It was leaked."

She didn't say anything for the longest time. Was she angry? Just the thought made me feel sick.

"I - I can call Dad," I began.

"No, I'll pick you up. See you soon, sweetheart."


Ending the call, I found a corner seat that would hide me from anyone walking past the office. Alexander sat beside me as if he had read my mind. I didn't notice when he grabbed my hand. I glanced at the receptionist but she seemed to be focused in her little world.

"You shouldn't do this," I whispered. "We're not dating."

"Everyone already thinks we are. If they're going to spread rumors about us, it might as well be true."



Our eyes met. I was the first to look away. This was a terrible situation for both of us. Wasn't this the second time I was responsible for the media bad-mouthing Alexander? I pulled my hand away from his. 

"If anybody asks me if it's true," he said. "I will say that it is."

I gaped at him. "Why? It's a lie."

He crossed his arms. "I expected you to say something else," he muttered.

"It's not like I've forgiven you."

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. "I know," he said, almost pained. "But think of it this way. If I lie, it will complicate things. I don't want the drama."

"We already have the drama. People are judging me because of my ignorance." I shook my head. Maybe I cared about my image too much. Maybe I was a horrible person after all. 

He sighed. This was not easy. I was making this harder than it should be. Why couldn't I have a normal relationship? 

"Fine," he said. "I'll tell them everything. That you broke up with me and that I don't want to get married."

A few tears squeezed out of my eyes. My chest felt heavy. I was a coward, wasn't I? I was still running away. He was hurting too and I didn't seem to care.

Tiredly, I leaned my head against the wall. 

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

Alexander didn't move and he didn't say anything. 

Mom picked me up almost an hour later. Alexander left just before she arrived. With the office's help, she escorted me out of the building through the back. On our way out of the school grounds, I saw more than a handful of news vans parked outside the school. 

Against my better judgment, I kept refreshing the article's page on my phone. Each time there were more comments than before. I read through all of them. Many of them expressed their disappointment that Alexander was still getting married. Others called him a two-timer which a lot of fans pointed out that he's always been like that and it wasn't anything new.

When it came down to me, on the other hand, they didn't hold back. They couldn't believe he had fallen for someone like me. I wasn't that pretty either. Some said I was a gold digger but there were a few comments that said they fully supported us.  I think those had to be from his fan club at school. 

On the drive home, Mom was on the phone with Mr. Keys. From what I could hear, the Royal family was also working with him. Must be Alexander's doing. What worried me the most was the fact that my classmates would spread the news that they knew me.

We got home, no news vans were waiting outside. It's a good thing they hadn't discovered where I lived yet. 

Mom walked me to the house with her arm around my shoulders. 

"I'm going to my room," I said once we were inside. 

"Alright. Let me know if you need anything."

In my room, I rolled myself up in my comforter. This was exactly why I hadn't wanted our relationship to be made public. People were too noisy and had to share their two cents. 

My phone buzzed. There was a text message from Cassidy. I yanked the comforter off my head and read the message.

'No luck,' it said. 'Dad won't even talk to me.'

'No offense,' I typed, 'but you would think he would want to set the record straight.'

'Yeah. I thought so too.'

Just as I was getting ready to type, she called me.

"Hey," she said. "I just thought it was better if we talked."

"It's fine."

She sighed. "I hate it. I'm not trying to defend my dad but I know why he did what he did. He doesn't want to abolish our form of government but he doesn't want to suppress the people."

"Just because there won't be a monarchy, doesn't mean you'll stop being royalty."

"I guess that's what he doesn't understand," Cassidy said. She was quiet. "I feel so sorry about all of this. To think he would take it this far. How petty can he be?"

I didn't say anything. Then, "I feel like I caused all this."

Cassidy groaned. "Rin, no offense, but grow up. This isn't all about you. It's about all of us. Besides, you fell in love and no one can judge you for that.


"No 'buts'. Be part of the solution. Not the problem. Speak out. Do something other than hide. Anyone else in your position would have stuck by him even now."

"It's not that easy," I blurted out. "I don't have people on my side."

"What are you talking about? Of course, you do."

Shame swept through me. She was right. I was used to having people fight my battles for me. Where was all the bravery when I stood up to Micah? 

"Alright," I said. "I'll talk to you later."

When I ended a call, a message came through. It was from Alexander. 

'I have an interview tonight,' it said. 'I'll set the record straight. 8 pm.'

That was faster than I had expected. The shame kept piling on. Alexander was protecting me and I hadn't done anything either. 

I checked out the website and sure enough, there was a banner on the front page about the interview. There was even an option where fans could send in their questions and a lucky few could have them answered. 

There was still enough time for me to do something. Something I should have done once I had known about the article. It was time to give my statement. 

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