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I ended up waiting outside the Counselor's room. There was nowhere else for me to go. I didn't want to inconvenience my parents or the police escort. If there was one thing I was sure about was that coming to school had been a mistake. I wasn't ready for any of this. It'd been stupid to think that I could pretend nothing happened, but if I didn't, how else was I supposed to keep going? Sure, Alexander wasn't my complete world but he had become part of it.  And that part had been ripped out and stomped on. 

Sighing, I rubbed the bridge of my nose. What was I been doing here? I should just talk to the nurse and have her send me home. 

Just as I was about to stand, the door to the office opened and Alexander walked in. 

Our eyes met. There was a strange look in his eyes and I didn't like it. I wanted the ground to swallow me. 

The secretary didn't look up.  She was most than likely under his Allure. 

Before I could go anywhere, he took a seat beside me. I felt frozen, unable to move though I was sure he wasn't doing anything supernatural to me.

"Thank you," he suddenly said, "for saving me."

Frowning, I peaked at him. His gaze was on the ground and his brow was furrowed. I'd seen Alexander serious before but this was completely different. 

"I spoke to Camellia," he continued to say. "She told me everything."

My stomach dropped. This was the last thing I expected him to say. I couldn't bring myself to respond. I'd thought it was all confidential. Why would they tell him about our deal? 

"Why would you do something like that for me?" Alexander asked. 

This time he did look at me, but I couldn't hold his gaze. I looked away. Instead, I shrugged. The cat was out of the bag now. I couldn't run from it anymore. 

"Why does that matter now?" I asked. "You're free and that's what's important."

"Tell me why you did it."

This time, I did look at him. What was trying to get at?

"I - I knew you were innocent. How could I let you get framed for something you didn't do?"

"I would have gotten out," he said quietly. "So, tell me the truth. Nobody makes a deal with the mafia just like that and yet you did."

His expression had softened and there was such a loving look in his eyes. It was uncomfortable. How could he look at me like that? I wasn't his girlfriend. 

"You shouldn't have made that deal," he said. "Now, they'll have you under their beck and call."

"I couldn't just leave you," I said, standing. 

"You should have."

For him to say something like that . . . it wasn't like it had been an easy decision to make. He made it sound like I had no idea what I got myself into. 

"Don't say that. Of course, I would have saved you. I mean, I - "

I swallowed thickly. My cheeks burned. I turned away from Alexander. "I . . . love you," I whispered. 

Alexander wrapped his arms around me. "I needed to hear you say that."

My chin trembled. I hated how weak I felt in his arms and yet, it was oddly comforting.

"I love you too," he whispered.

Tears blinded my sight. I wiggled out of Alexander's embraced and quickly wiped my eyes.


I turned around. "What are you playing at?"

"What do you mean?"

I crossed my arms. "Do you honestly think anything has changed between us? It doesn't matter if we confess our feelings. We're not dating anymore."

Alexander took a step closer. "Of course it matters, Rin. I love you and you love me. We should be together - "

I was already shaking my head before he finished. "We can't," I forced out. "You're engaged to someone else. I can't do that to anybody even if it is Cassidy."

"But I don't have any feelings for her."

"Well, I'm guessing that's how arranged marriages usually start as, but don't worry. I'm sure you'll like her soon enough."

I hated the way his face crumbled. I hated the way my throat closed up and how I could barely keep the tears at bay. 

He smiled sadly. "I can't," he said. "There's only space for one person in my heart and that's you."

It would be less painful if I was stabbed there and then. I couldn't hide my tears that time.

"Even if we were still dating," I managed to say, "we wouldn't be able to be together. You're going to be King. Did you honestly think I would be at your side? I mean, let's be real. Me?"

"I don't care what anyone else says," he began.

"You can't be that irresponsible," I blurted out. "A vampire needs to rule at your side and that's not me. Or would you make me your mistress?"

Alexander didn't say anything. 

"You got the throne now," I said quietly. "It's all you ever wanted, remember? You can't have both."

A strange smile crossed Alexander's lips. "Maybe not now," he told me, "but I will. I'm not giving up on us that easily. Enjoy your single life now, Rin, because you won't have another opportunity."

And then, he simply left. 

I was left speechless. What exactly did he mean by that? He couldn't mean what I think he meant. But if he could . . . would I accept? What about Cassidy? The King wouldn't allow Alexander to end their engagement just like that. 

I sighed. Why was I getting my hope up? Didn't I convince myself that it was over between us? Why did I have to do this to myself? And yet, I couldn't help but feel hopeful. 

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now