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Once Rin had fallen asleep, Alexander took off. Normally, he would stay with her for as long as he could, but tonight there was an issue he needed to take care of. This couldn't happen again. He had made it clear to every vampire in the school that no one was allowed to use their abilities on humans. Especially on Rin. Apparently, Cassidy hadn't taken that warning to heart.

Standing on the roof of Rin's house, he looked out across the neighborhood. If he remembered correctly, Cassidy's family was staying at one of the guest estates. He could get there in less than a minute. But then, he didn't have to. Turning around, he saw Cassidy.

"I'm guessing she told you."

"Does it matter if she did?"

Cassidy smiled slightly. "No, it wouldn't," she replied. "So, did you come up with a lecture yet?"

Alexander ignored her question. "Why are you here?" he asked. 

"I came to spare you the effort of finding me," she told him. She crossed her arms. "Well? Anything to say to me?"

Alexander clenched his jaw. Why did it have to be this difficult? 

"I'm sure you already know what I'm going to say," he forced out as nicely as he could manage.

"Regardless of your feelings about well, Rin, she's still human." Cassidy took a step forward. "There was a bigger issue at hand. Now there is a bigger issue. Melanie and Felicia were expelled and it's a huge mess. I could have prevented all of that."

As Cassidy spoke, Alexander barely contained his anger. She spoke so nonchalantly like she had no remorse for what she had done. 

"I don't know why it's a big deal," she continued. "Your precious girl wasn't harmed."

"You don't get to decide that," he hissed out. "You shouldn't have done it. Whether it was Rin or not, you shouldn't have done it."

Cassidy shook her head. "No, you're only this angry because it was Rin. I'm not stupid, Your Highness. You know, at first, I thought this was just a joke but I can see that it isn't. You are head over heels for her." 

Alexander's chest tightened. No, she wasn't wrong. She was absolutely right but admitting it to her would be like losing.

"I'm only going to tell you this once," he told her. "Stay away from Rin. After all, whatever 'friendship' you had with Rin, well, you killed it." 

Cassidy looked away. "I had to," she whispered. "We've come so far and to let it all slip away like that - I couldn't let that happen. Rin doesn't understand everything vampires had to go through and still do."  

"It's more of a mess now for what you did. If you had just asked her nicely, it wouldn't turn out like it did. In any case, it's a good thing Rin slapped you."

Cassidy rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

Neither of them spoke for a moment. 

Then, "Since you care about her so much," Cassidy said. "have you told her the latest orders from the King?"

Alexander's stomach tightened. "No," he replied. "I haven't."

He didn't want to even think about it. With all that had happened recently, he didn't want to see Rin's reaction.

"You better tell her soon before Violet spreads it to the media."

"It won't come to that," he said quickly. "I'll speak to the King and have him change his mind."

"Would it be so bad if we did what we were told?" she asked quietly.

Alexander looked at her in the eye. "Yes," he told her. "It would be the most repulsing thing to me."

Cassidy quickly turned her back to him. "I guess we're done here," she said. 

"Yes, we are."

Long after Cassidy had left, Alexander stayed up on the roof. He thought warning Cassidy would make the anger go away, but it made it worse. He was angry at his hopelessness, his inability to control anything, and the fact that his father had him right where he wanted. It wasn't the first time he asked himself if the throne was really worth it. 

He did want the throne but he didn't want to sacrifice Rin for it.

A chuckle escaped him. He really was head over heels for her. Honestly, it was hard not to. She was the reason why he could go through all of this. If not for Rin, Alexander wouldn't have bowed to his father. It was all for her. 

But Cassidy was right. He'd have to tell Rin sooner or later. Would she hate him? He hated himself already. would she understand? How could she? He didn't understand it himself but orders were orders and he couldn't do anything about it. 

Alexander didn't want to think about how Rin would react when he told her they couldn't be together anymore. 

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