The Interview

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My parents were with me as I spoke to Mr. Keys. We sat in the living room, tv on but muted, waiting for Alexander's interview. It was a four-way call and I appreciated all their advice. They were more or less supportive of my choice to go public.

"But are you sure?" Dad asked for the tenth time.

"Yes," I told him. "I want to stop hiding."

"If we do this carefully," Mr. Keys said from the speaker. "We can control the narrative and minimize the damage."

"Damage?" Dad asked.

Mom put a hand on his arm. "They have fans," she reminded him. "Some of them won't be happy no matter what their idol says or do." She turned to me. "Whatever you decide, Rin, we'll handle this together."

I looked at Dad. He sighed.

"I'm on board," he said, "but I don't like it. This is what you want and I won't stop you."

"Alright," Mr. Keys said. "I'm ready whenever you are."

We ended my call to Mr. Keys with only a few minutes to spare. Dad unmuted the television. I squeeze the throw pillow against my chest. 

"Welcome viewers," Veronica, the interviewer said. "Thank you for joining us tonight. As everyone is aware, a very shocking rumor aired recently and everyone scrambled for answers."

Veronica was the evening news anchor for one of the more popular national news stations. However, unlike the regular set, she was in a more cozy environment with a large couch in the center. Veronica sat to the side in her comfy, one-person sofa.

"Answers," Veronica continued. "We here at Sunup News wanted to provide to our viewers. That's why we have a very special guest with us tonight.

"This guest was a notorious flirt, a heartthrob wanted all, please welcome Prince Rothchester."

The camera panned to Alexander. He walked out to the large couch and sat."

"Thank you for this opportunity, Your Highness," Veronica said.

"Thanks for having me," Alexander replied.

"Well, a question on everyone's mind is, who is this lovely girl with you?"

A picture of our date occupied half the screen. It was one where we were ice-skating together.

"She is quite lovely, isn't she?" Alexander answered.

Groaning, I covered my face.

"I won't say her name," Alexander continued. "But I will say she's my ex-girlfriend."

I looked up at the screen. He admitted that on live TV.

"Ex? As in not dating right now?"

"Correct," he replied. "Officially and unofficially, I am engaged to Princess Caldor. Nothing more. Nothing else. That's something the rumor got wrong."

"Tell us what happened," Veronica said. "How did it all start? How did this young lady get to date you."

A faint smile appeared on Alexander's face. "I dated her."

"She hated me," Alexander began. "And I must admit, I was horrible. Horrible."

"She changed you."

"That she did. She put an end to all my - what did you call it? - flirtatious adventures. It's not like she outright asked me to do it. I just didn't want to disappoint her."

My throat closed up. Why was he saying this now? Why hadn't he ever told me?

"You still care about her."

"Very much," he admitted. Alexander sighed. "It's why I never told her about the engagement. If anyone is to blame, it's me.

"I was, and probably still am, not a perfect candidate for the throne. Let's be honest, I haven't done much to deserve it. I never imagined the King would crown me Heir that night. Maybe if I had known, I would have told her.

"But regardless of what happened, I should have told her sooner. Maybe we wouldn't have dated and we won't ever know what could have been." A pained expression crossed his face. "She broke up with me that night."

"What about Princess Caldor? What did she have to say about all of this?"

"I can't speak for her," Alexander replied. "I only know that she wanted to continue with the engagement. We are heirs to our respective thrones. We must carry out what is expected of us."

I tightened my grip on the throw pillow. He was talking about duty like he hadn't planned to end his engagement as soon as possible.

"There have been some talks about canceling the marriage. Can you speak more about that?"

Alexander frowned. "I don't know exactly where they're coming from," he replied.

He hadn't lied but he hadn't told the truth either.

"The engagement hasn't been broken," Alexander announced. "As far as everyone involved is concerned, it's still happening."

"Now, let's talk about the origin of this rumor. We hadn't had this sort of uproar since your arrest."

"Some would say that's a good thing. The public knows I've been in the spotlight way too many times." He was silent. "As for the whistleblower, we don't have a culprit yet. Princess Caldor and I are looking into this matter as we speak."

Veronica stared off-camera and quickly turned back to Alexander.

"It seems like your lovely lady released a statement about the incident. Let's show it on screen."

"What?" Alexander asked.

The tv screen cut to the statement I asked Mr. Keys to release for me.

'First and foremost, I have to say I'm disappointed and offended that this matter was released without my or Prince Rothchester's consent. 

My private life was displayed very unprofessionally and has hurt those involved. it's worst because it came from a position of power. A position that should never be taken advantage of and should represent its people. Unfortunately, it was made clear to me this position of power is no longer sacred.

I will not name the party responsible for this offense but will in turn assure them that this will not be forgotten. I know who you are. We know who you are and you will be held responsible for this breach of trust.

Many of you are no doubt asking whether this rumor to be true. I want to state that at one point, that rumor was true. However, our relationship ended the night Prince Rothchester was named Crown Heir with all the responsibilities that he is entitled to. While my feelings for Prince Rothchester have not changed, I fully support his and Princess Caldor's marriage.

I will continue to express that support for whatever they decide. After all, it is their marriage and we should all respect their decisions going forward.'

The screen cut back to Veronica and Alexander.

"You appear to be quite in shock," she commented.

"Well, yes," he admitted. "I wanted to keep her out of this mostly because I am the cause of this rumor. It appears that I didn't have to worry."

The interview continued with Veronica reading off some questions from the audience. I didn't pay much attention to them.

I felt relieved. A great pressure had been lifted off my chest. There was no turning back now and I, for the first, wasn't worried about that.

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