Flying Solo

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I regretted everything. How could I go on a date with nothing to wear? All I head were jeans, t-shirts and maybe some blouses. The fancy stuff I did have was too fancy. The last time I wore anything remotely fancy was for a family's friend wedding like five years ago?

Also, what did people wear for dates? As long as you looked put together, it shouldn't matter, right? It was moments like these that made me miss Sonia if only for her wardrobe advice. Well, I did have one person to call on.

"Mom! Can you come here!"

Moments later my mom walked in. "What?" she asked. "I'm organizing the bathroom."

I looked at her with puppy eyes. "I don't have anything to wear."

She frowned. "You have plenty of clothes."

I bit my lip. It was finally time to tell her the truth. Well, part of the truth. My stomach churned unpleasantly.

"Um, well, I might be going out later."

Mom looked at me suspiciously. "And you didn't tell us?" she asked.

I looked down at the carpet. "Well, it was last minute and, well, it'swithaguy."

"Rin, don't talk too fast."

"It's with a guy," I sighed out. "I am going to meet a . . . guy . . . at the mall."

My mom didn't say anything for the longest time. I think she was in shock.


"Huh? Oh, uh . . . S-since when have you, I mean, he's from school?"

"Yeah," I replied. "It was just recently. The classes got switched up, you know. I got to meet the rest of my class."

It wasn't necessarily a lie. Plus, I didn't think my parents, or anyone for that matter, were ready to know that the Vampire Prince and I were dating.

"Oh," she said in response.

"Is that alright?" I asked. "It's not like we're dating. We just want to get to know each other first."

"Hmm, I need to tell your dad."

Before I could say anything else, she was out the door. In a matter of minutes, my parents sat me down on the couch downstairs and stood over me with their arms crossed. They hadn't done something like this since the incident in elementary school.

"Your mom tells me you're meeting a boy."

I tried not to sigh but my expression betrayed me. Dad wasn't happy.

"You could say that," I began. "He is a boy and I am meeting him."

"What's his name?" Mom asked.

Dang, it. Of course, they were going to ask that. I wasn't prepared for this.

"Uh, it's Alex," I quickly said. "Yeah. That's his name. We have class together." I cleared my throat. "We're just going to hang out. Nothing else."

"I guess that sounds nice," Mom began. "It's good that you're meeting people."

"This is too last minute," Dad stated. "How were you going to get there? Is he coming over?"

I shook my head. "No. I was going to take a shuttle there. We need to use all those fees they charge."

"I don't know," Dad said. "We haven't even met this Alex."

"We might not even be friends," I told him. "This is just us hanging out. We might become friends."

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now