Royal Announcement

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Everything fell into place. I couldn't help myself, I sat down. The room spun. Was it always going to be like this? Was I always going to be the last person to know about anything?

"You should have warned me," I groaned.

"I thought His Royal Highness had told you," Camellia replied.

Ouch. That hurt.

But she was right. He should have told me. Just like you should have told him you'll be here, said a voice in my head.

"Stand before you call more attention to yourself."

Right. The only thing she seemed to care about was appearances. I sighed but stood up anyway. Apparently, my feelings didn't matter.

I turned towards the raised platform. There was just enough space between two heads to watch as Alexander held his arm out. Frowning, I watched as Cassidy placed her hand on his arm and stood beside him.

"Get your hands off my boyfriend,  b*tch," I grumbled.

Camellia blocked my view. "Miss Borek," she warned in a low voice.

I glared back. "Don't pretend you didn't bring me here for this," I hissed out. "You knew everything. Am I supposed to be glad someone else is with him?"

"That doesn't excuse your behavior. Besides, a future King must always be accompanied. Are you volunteering?"

I swallowed thickly. I had no response to that. I had no response to many things. She was right. A King must always be accompanied by someone. It wasn't like I didn't know he was going to have a date. Alexander had told me. He just failed to say who it was.

Or maybe he didn't know, a voice popped up. If he had known, Alexander would have told me. I was sure of it. 

"Before we continue with our evening," the King was saying. "I like to make a special announcement."

Camellia and I turned our attention back to the King. My stomach felt sick. What was it this time? Was the King going to proclaim they were dating or something? That would just be my luck. 

"Prince Rothchester, no, my son . . ."

A murmur swept through the crowd. I felt myself tear up. Even Alexander wasn't able to hide his surprise quite well either. The King had called him "my son". I hid my smile underneath my hand. His dad had acknowledged him.

"has been my pride and joy ever since his birth. While he has gotten lost more than a few times-" 

The crowd laughed.

"-he has always managed to find his way back. That is why I like to formally announce that I plan to step down as King and let my Heir take over."

There was a stunned silence but it only lasted for a split second. The royal families started to applause. It was taken up by the rest of the guests. I was probably one of the few who clapped way too loudly.  

There was only one thing going through my mind; Alexander had done it. He finally had the King's approval. He was going to be King. 

I grabbed a napkin off one of the tables and dabbed at my eyes. All my worries faded away. A part of me did understand that he was going to be as busy as ever but triumph by the amount of pride swelling up in my chest.

"The date of the coronation will be announced at a later date," the King continued. "And as it is customary, the coronation will also serve to strengthen the ties between the Rothchester family and the Caldor family."

My clapping stopped. What did that mean?

"Prince Rothchester and Princess Caldor will be officially recognized as King and Queen Rothchester."

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