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As Carlos stopped in front of us, he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Hey," he said. He nodded at Cassidy. "That looked tense."

"You saw that?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Yeah. Thought I needed to step in but then I figured you had everything taken care of. We are talking about you after all."

"I'm Cassidy by the way."

We both looked at her. 

"Carlos, nice to meet you." He gestured towards me. "You're in good hands. Rin knows how to take care of herself."

If I told him she was a vampire, how would he react? He wasn't exactly a vampire lover or even someone who tolerated vampires.

"Yeah," she answered. "I saw."

"Well, I'll be going. Take care."

We watched Carlos head into the mall. I was a bit taken back. This was a completely different Carlos than I knew. He could even look at me in the eye after everything he had done. Even after all this time, a part of me hadn't forgiven him. I was going to be polite but that was about it.

"You said he was from school," Cassidy said, "but I haven't seen him around."

I shrugged. "He might be homeschooled now. I don't know."

My phone buzzed in my pocket. It had to be my mom.

"Is your ride here?" I asked.

She held up her phone. "Yeah, he is. Um, I guess we'll see each other at school." Cassidy waved awkwardly and darted off.

After she disappeared from view, I walked towards the curb. According to the text, my mom was just outside holding up traffic. Finding her car didn't take too long.

"So, did you have fun?" she asked as soon as we were on our way home.

"Uh, yeah," I replied. "We walked around. My legs are killing me."

Mom shook her head. "Maybe that's a sign that you need to get out more."

"I seriously doubt that."

"You alright?" she asked. "You seem quieter than usual. Plus, you're not complaining as much either."

I gave her a look. "I'm just want to go home and put on my pajamas."

I turned to look at the window. Leave it to my mom to suspect something had happened. It's not like I couldn't tell her. It was more I was still in shock myself. Everyone knew vampires got harassed but this harassment had been on a whole different level.

My mind kept replaying the conversation with those girls. It all felt surreal. Did that really happen? Who went up to strangers and demanded their number? That didn't make any sense. It was a bit creepy, to be honest. I could never see myself doing that.

At home, I went up to my room to relax and get some distance from my mom. Knowing her, she would figure it out before I was ready to tell her. She would say something about antagonizing others and starting fights. I didn't need that right now.

I checked my phone but Alexander hadn't sent me any messages yet. It was a given that I would tell him what Cassidy and I had talked about but I wasn't sure if I should bring up the conversation with those girls. Sure, they'd been rude but we parted ways unscratched. Well, sort of.

Before I could change my mind, I sent Cassidy a quick message apologizing that she had to experience something like that. It was just uncomfortable for everyone. Even I felt icky. 

If it did turn out to be something major for whatever reason, I'd tell Alexander and let him handle it. He seemed to be good about those sorts of things.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now