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There were more guests by the time I got back. Camellia waited for me at the table. She immediately caught my eyes as I zig-zag my way through everyone. I couldn't see Cassidy or Lisa. Maybe they weren't here for this event.

As soon as I sat, I asked Camellia about them.

"They are guests," she replied. "Much like you are."

I doubted Lisa and Cassidy had made a deal with the mafia. Or maybe they had. Either way, I couldn't afford to worry about their reasons for being here. I needed to worry about not being seen.

More guests continued to arrive. Luckily, it wasn't anyone that I recognized or that recognized me.

"How long is this supposed to last?" I whispered to Camellia.

"The Royal Announcement comes first," she replied. "After, the Ball is for celebration."

"What about the other royal families? They here too?"

"Naturally," came her reply. "There's a procession and the King and his family are first. Next, is all other families. The King will welcome them. It's very ceremonial."

"Alex - er, the Prince will be at the procession?" I asked.

I didn't want him to see me. Then again, he said he could recognize me anywhere.

"Yes," she said. "He will be."

"If I step out," I began.

She gave a small smile. "There's a lobby to the right of those doors." She pointed to the ones I took to the restroom. "Wait there for thirty minutes before walking back."

Camellia knew exactly what I was doing and she was being supportive about it. That felt odd and slightly disturbing. Maybe I had overthought their motives. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to believe that. I doubted making me uncomfortable was the reason why they had asked me to be there. 

But, I also wanted to avoid Alexander even if it would be impossible to do so. And yet, wouldn't it be rude? I mean, what if this was all a test? If I did avoid everything, would Camellia tell her boss's that I had paid my part of the debt? 

I sighed. No, I couldn't go out into the lobby. Everyone would notice me walk back in. Plus, the door was in clear sight of the raised platform at the far end of the room. Alexander would see me. My best bet was to hide behind some people and pray that no one recognized me. 

It took a good hour before guests stopped arriving. Camellia and I were the only ones sitting. Now that everyone had gathered, I started to believe that I might be able to hide among the people. Almost everyone towered over me. All I had to do was make myself as small as possible.

The music changed alerting everyone. All eyes turned to the double doors. Camellia stood and so did I. There was a group standing near our table. I carefully maneuvered behind them. The only way I was going to see anyone was if I tip-toed. 

"Presenting Her Majesty, Lady Violet."

The door opened. Curiosity got the better of me, I looked. Violet walked through. She looked stunning. She wore a red gown that was taken out of one of those royal historical dramas.

There was a collective intake of breath. Violet walked slowly with grace and power. 

I ducked behind one of the guests as she walked by. I waited for a good minute before I looked away. By this time, she had reached the raised platform. Instead of sitting, she remained standing. 

"Presenting, His Royal Highness, Prince Rothchester."

This time, I didn't look. Even as Alexander walked down towards the raised platform, I didn't look. Oh, but I wanted to look. He had to look so handsome. I doubted I would survive the sight. I might faint. And yet, he should have his back towards me by now. So, I peeked. 

Alexander walked towards the platform. His back was towards me. Instead of a suit, which I had pictured him in, he wore a fancy royal get-up. There was so much gold. His slacks were white. The top half was royal blue. Even from this angle, I could tell that there was a lot of gold in his attire as well. He was breathtaking. 

I looked away smiling to myself. It was good that I had come after all. I'm sure the pictures wouldn't have done him much justice. 

When he reached the platform, he stood beside Violet. I ducked behind the guests. I had to stay hidden from view. From his position, Alexander would be able to see me.

"Presenting His Majesty the King."

I kept my gaze glued to the floor. The thought of getting caught made my hands sweat. What if Alexander had already seen me? Then again, knowing him, he would have said something. I was sure of it.

As the royal guests were announced, a creek began to form in my neck. Even though I wanted to look at all the pretty gowns, I couldn't. I would just need to wait for the online photos.

The names continued and there were many that I hadn't heard of before. There were also a lot more royal guests than I thought they would be.

I shifted my weight from one foot to another. How long was this going to last? Sitting would be rude and I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

"Presenting, Her Royal Highness, Princess Cassidy Caldor."

It took me a moment to realize what the announcer had said. No, it couldn't be the Cassidy, I knew. There was no way. And yet, the more I thought about it, it did make sense. It would explain why she was adamant about keeping the feeding a secret and why she tried to influence. Of course, that didn't excuse her behavior but I understood.

Pursing my lips, I moved a little to the left trying to use some of the guests to shield me. Slowly, I peeked above someone's shoulder.

One glance was all it took.

I ducked behind the guests.

It was Cassidy!

The Cassidy I knew was a Princess!

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