The Ball

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I wonder if they'll let me jump out of this limousine, I thought.

I glanced at Camellia sitting across from me. Yeah. She wouldn't let me. Taking a deep breath, I smoothed out my gown. There was nothing to smooth out. It was a royal blue gown, fitted with lace at the top and gave me half sleeves. Camellia had found me some wedges that matched the color as well as small earrings.

My hair was pulled back into a half bun and the rest was curled. They even gave me a touch of makeup too. I felt too dolled up but those feelings weren't nearly as strong as the fact that I wanted to vomit. Alexander was going to kill me. I should have told him about my appearance at the Ball. I should have. Then again, he might just ditch altogether. Maybe he wouldn't even know I went to the Ball. 

Yeah . . . I wasn't that lucky.

"We will get there in twenty minutes," Camellia announced. "We won't enter until they are ready for us."

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. 

"And relax," she added. "Your job is to enjoy yourself."

Was it really? 

They wanted me there for a reason. If they were cashing in the favor that I owed them, it had to be big. My only hope was that it didn't involve Alexander or the Royal family. But who was I kidding? Of course, it had to involve Alexander and the Royal family. 

I stared out the window. This was a bad idea. Alexander was going to freak. What was I supposed to tell him? Not telling him was the same as lying. I should have said something before.

"Get ready," Camellia said. 

My stomach tightened. It was too late now. The door to the limo opened. Camellia stepped out first. Cameras flashed at her entrance. I swallowed thickly. Taking a deep breath, I scooted across the seat. Someone in a black tux held a hand out to me. I offered him whatever smile I could muster before taking his hand and stepping out of the limo.

Camellia was immediately at my side. "Focus on me," she said. "Don't look at anywhere else."

I gave her a curt nod not trusting myself to speak. 

I followed after Camellia. I kept my gaze on her back. Occasionally, I looked at the massive silver building we were walking into. The convention center was where the Royals family had held their press conference a few months ago. That night was the night where Alexander and I got into a car accident. It almost felt like a lifetime ago. 

Taking a quick peek at the masses gathered on either side, I noticed that not many of them were even paying attention to myself or Camellia. Sure, a few glanced our way but we weren't holding their attention. Someone else behind us was causing all the stir and that was fine by me. 

It felt like ages by the time we reached the inside of the building. Even though I had been here before, everything looked completely different. The furniture had been switched out and the paintings as well. Steps lead towards double doors and I could faintly hear some music. Surprisingly, there weren't any more photographers in here.

"This way," Camellia said.

We took the three steps up. The door opened from the other side by a gentleman wearing what appeared to be a staff uniform. He touched his ear for a moment.

"I'll take you to your seats," he said. 

Inside, the room was massive. There was a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Tables draped with gold and velvet-lined the room on either side. The classical music came from a balcony overlooking the room. Guests in shinny dresses mingled around the floor with drinks in hands. Servers walked among them offering appetizers and drinks. 

I felt so small and intimidating. I shouldn't have come. I should have refused. As if they let you, said a voice in my head. 

Camellia and I followed our guide to the other side of the room. We were two tables away from the back. Was this some sort of sign that meant the Mafia wasn't as powerful as they seemed? I already knew the answer to that. The vampire mafia was very powerful. Being seated at this table had to be some power play.

"Thank you," Camellia told our guide before he walked away.

I quickly sat down. The lights were too bright and they made my head spin. I used my hands as a tent over my eyes.

A thought suddenly struck me. "Do they even have human food?" I said more to myself than anyone else.

"Is there something specific you wanted?" Camellia asked.

I looked at her from underneath my hands. "Water," I simply said.

A few moments later, a glass of water was placed in front of me. I didn't realize how thirsty I was until I drank the last bit of water. It didn't help that my stomach was tight and empty.

Feeling sick, I stood. "I'm going to the bathroom," I muttered.

"Don't get lost," Camellia said with a wink.

I didn't even reply. Like I would run away wearing this. I managed to make my way to the bathroom. All I wanted to do was soak my face with water but that would ruin my makeup.

I sent it to one of the stalls, closed it, and sat. Groaning, I held my head being careful with my hairdo. I might not like the getup but I went through all that trouble. Might as well keep it nice. It wouldn't do me any good to look like I had a catfight.

Closing my eyes, I took several deep breaths. I needed to calm down. Camellia said I had to attend. She had never said for how long. If I could survive an hour or two then, I could go home.

As I was getting ready to leave, voices at the door stopped me. I pulled my feet and dress away from potential view. I was being stupid, I knew, but I didn't want to encounter anyone at the moment.

"So, are you ready for the big news?" asked a familiar voice.

"Honestly, I'm nervous," said another familiar voice.

As the girls talked, I finally realized why they sounded familiar. Those voices belong to Cassidy and Lisa. What were they doing here? They couldn't be that important.

"What is it about?" Lisa said. "Has your dad told you?"

"No," Cassidy replied. "But I can pretty much guess what it would be."

"Oh? Do tell "

Cassidy laughed. "Nope. I can't. You know that."

I swallowed thickly. They had to know someone was in here. What if they waited for me to come out? I didn't want to see them. I carefully maneuvered next to the toilet and forced out a very fake heave.

"Hello?" Lisa asked.

"Ugh," I moaned out. "I shouldn't have pre-gamed. Ugh."

"You okay?" Cassidy asked. "Do you need help?"

"No," I moaned out. "I'm okay. Just need a few minutes. I don't need my boss to fire me."

"Alright," Cassidy said.

I fake heave again and coughed. After a few minutes, I peeked underneath the stall. There wasn't anyone in the bathroom. I continued to heave for a few more minutes before stopping.

This night was getting better and better. I tried to come up with a reason as to why they were here but I couldn't. Maybe they had political ties or something? Well, whatever it was, I needed to get back to Camellia before she came looking for me. Let's just hope I didn't run to Lisa or Cassidy tonight.

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