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Cassidy left soon after our talk. I stayed on the roof well into the night. This was getting out of hand. I didn't know what to do anymore and I hated myself for it. Since when was I this indecisive? Since when had I started second-guessing myself? 

It wasn't a decision I'd made lightly. But I had to stick with it. Even if Alexander somehow managed to break his engagement, I would still be the one responsible for it. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. 

 Swallowing the lump in my throat, I stood. I made it back into my bedroom and underneath my comforter. 

As I tried to sleep, I wondered who I could speak to about this? Quite frankly, I didn't anyone who had broken up an engagement. Or maybe I was more of a hermit than I realized. I was drifting off to sleep when it hit me. I sat up quickly. 

There was a person in a similar situation. She hadn't exactly broken up an engagement but she had married a married man. If there was anyone who could help me sort this out, it was Violet. All I had to do was find a way to meet her.

I was still coming up with ideas as my mother drove me to school. Mr. Kemler might be able to contact her on my behalf. Mr. Keys could do that too though.

"Rin," Mom suddenly said, "about what we talked about last night."

I fiddled with the edge of my t-shirt. "Yeah?" I asked. 

"How long were you dating the Prince?" she asked.

"Sometime after he nullified the contract," I replied. 

There was no point in lying anymore. Plus, it felt good to be able to tell my mom and talk to her about boys. 

"He changed," I quickly added. "He didn't mistreat me and he cared. He still does but I guess not enough to tell me he was engaged." I glanced at her. "You said he wasn't good enough for me so, who is?"

Mom stared at the road for a while before saying, "just because he's royalty, that doesn't make him a good person." 

Then, "did you think I wouldn't understand if you dated him?" she asked. "I thought I had everything to let you know that you could tell me these things."

Crap. I was going to cry. 

"I didn't think you guys would let me date a vampire," I confessed. "After everything that happened, you'd think I would reject the idea. Honestly, I don't know when we were finally 'official'. One day I realized that I cared about him and didn't want to see him in jail. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

I turned away, rubbing my eyes. 

Mom patted my shoulder. "You're alright," she said. "I'm not angry."

I nodded and did my best to stop the tears. 

She dropped me off in silence. I kissed her goodbye before hurrying into the school. My first stop was the restroom. I didn't want anyone to see me crying. Especially, Alexander's fans. 

Once I had gotten some control over myself, I went hunting for some fans. It was a lot easier than I thought it be. I found the group waiting by my locker with a poster between them.

"Hey there," I said with a frown. "What's all this?"

"It's a poster," Brissa replied. "We made it."

"For support," Amber added. She smiled. 

The words "end the engagement" were painted in gold across it. 

"There's this huge protest we're organizing," Amber continued. "Sandra is reaching out to like everyone."

"Well, before that," I quickly said. "I heard you guys spoke to Cassidy?"

The girls shared a look. 

"Yeah," Kerrie said, "we spoke to her."

I bit my lip. I hope they wouldn't take this like I was attacking them. "You know it's not her fault," I began. "Royalty doesn't have much control of their lives just like the Prince. Plus, if he does  . . . uh . . . ends up ending the engagement, I don't want it to be said I'm a homewrecker or whatever."

Sandra crossed her arms. "So, you don't want us to do the protest?"

"You can protest all you want. I don't want to get in your way but maybe don't drag Cassidy into this."

The girls shared a look again. 

"Rin, she's preventing you from being with the person you love," Amber said. "How can you still be nice? I would have pulled her hair out."

The others nodded in agreement.

"That's not the point," I reminded them. "Please? It's hurtful and mean."

"For you," Sandra said. "Just be happy we're on your side."

I couldn't figure out what they meant even after they had walked away. All I knew was that these fans were best to be handled with care. 

Now that that issue had been taken care of, I still hadn't come up with a good solution to my problem. I couldn't sneak into the palace either and there was no way I was going to ask Alexander to get me inside. He'd probably agree to it without a moment's pause. 

It was then when I saw Cassidy and the plan unveiled itself in my head. I stopped her before she could enter the classroom.

"We need to talk," I told her. 

"We did," she reminded me.

"I need a favor," I said. "It might end up helping you too."

Cassidy hesitated before nodding. "Alright. Lunchtime. I'll talk to you then."


True to her word, Cassidy found me just as I followed the crowd to the cafeteria. Lisa and her bodyguards were nowhere in sight. Well, just because I couldn't see them didn't mean they weren't around.

"What's all this about?" she asked.

We walked into the tenth-grade hallway. 

"I need to speak to Violet," I told her. "Can you set that up for me?"

Cassidy opened her mouth then closed it. "What?" she asked. 

"I have a plan," I explained, "but I need to talk to Violet."

"Go on."

"You'll tell her that you're distraught over everything that's happening. You can also tell her that Alexander is trying to worm his way out of the engagement." 

"So, part of the truth?"

I hadn't thought about that. "Yes." 

"And I just so happen to bring you along?"

"Yes," I replied then added quickly. "He's trying to end the engagement because of me and . . . I need to fix this."

Cassidy bit her thumb, thinking. "Alright," she said. "I'll call her and set a meeting. I'll let you know if she agrees."

"Thanks," I said. "Oh and I told the fans to back off."

She shook her head. "You're hopeless," she sighed. "But thanks."

I managed a small smile. All I wanted was for someone to tell me that I was doing the correct thing. Maybe Violet would be the one who would tell. No one else seemed to want to. 

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now