Signing of a Treaty

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"How about this one?" Mom asked, showing me the hairstyle catalog. 

Absentmindedly, I flipped through the dress catalog. We sat among the loveseat in my bed. The coffee table was filled with different catalogs. After breakfast, I had been brought samples of fabrics, a showcase of wigs all in my hair color with different styles, and catalog books. I was still expected to appear at the ceremony. But I couldn't wear anything. No. My dress would be a gown, specifically tailored to me, and a hairstylist would be doing my hair. Of course, I'd have the option of choosing whatever style I wanted and was reminded not to embarrass myself. This had been by my mother.  

I stared at the long curls in the picture. My hair wasn't that long and I told my mother as such.

"Rin, what's wrong?" she asked. "I thought you'd be more excited."

Trying to look happier, I turned to her. The concern on her face made me falter. I couldn't bring myself to lie to her. Not about this. I needed my mom.

"Alexander and I argued this morning," I told her. 

She frowned and placed the catalog on the coffee table. "Does he often visit you in your room?"

I didn't know how to answer that question. 

"He wanted to tell me about the meeting," I said. "And, we talked about him being King." Then, I told her everything, his solution, and the fact that I wasn't worthy.

When I was done, Mom smacked my arm.

"Ow," I said, moving away. "Why did you do that?"

"Rin, you're so stupid."

I gaped at her. "Mom!"

"I'm sorry honey, but sometimes I don't think you use your brain."

"Why are you being mean?"

Mom scooted closer to me. I tried to scoot back but there was no room.

"Rin, do you like him?"


"Does he like you?"

I nodded.

"Then don't think too much," Mom said. She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Look, if you want to be with him then, be with him. I'll support your decision." She touched my cheek. "I just want you to be happy and if that's with him then, I'm okay with it."

"And Dad?"

Mom pursed her lips. "Eventually, he'll come to terms that you aren't his little girl anymore. Plus, if the Prince values his life, he will talk to your father about it. I know he'll want you to be happy too."

I smiled slightly. "I do want to be with Alexander."

"Good. Now, let's choose what you're going to wear. It'll be an important event after all."


The morning of the ceremony, I was sick. Well, not exactly sick but my stomach wouldn't settle down and my hands shook. Mom and Diane helped me get ready. They woke me up at 5 am to start. I don't remember much of the first two hours. I might have fallen asleep here and there. 

Then the stylist came. She was a very tall woman, wearing black. Ms. Sky simply walked in, followed by her five assistants, looked at me, and started working. All her movements were graceful like she was walking on air. My hair was washed, dried, and styled, and all before 9. 

Mom had to step away to get ready herself. My parents had been invited too. Meanwhile, Diane brought me a light breakfast but I couldn't keep anything down. I nibbled on some fruit while waiting for my gown to arrive. 

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