Into Pairs

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"You can call in sick, you know."

I looked at Dad. He looked a little more worn out than usual. There was more gray in his hair and his smile never quite reached his eyes anymore.

"I'm fine," I told him. "You heard Ms. Kim's announcement as well. There's going to be extra guards so, everyone is going to be safe."

"Let's hope the rioters don't break into the school or anything," he muttered.

Every since the Vampire Equal Education Law passed, there had been massive riots and protests everywhere. Many parents had moved their kids out of school. My parents almost moved me too but Violet personally asked to let me stay. She assured them that the vampire kids weren't going to harm anyone. They just wanted to learn. I doubted anyone else got a special visit from her but it seemed to do the trick.

It was strange really. I wasn't scared of going to school with vampires. I was more worried about what humans would do.

"It's probably the reason why we've been homeschooled for that last few weeks," I said. "Those in charge wanted everyone to take some time away and comes to terms with the inevitable. It's also why they made transferring so much easier."

"Well, just you know," Dad said. "if anything happens, tell your teachers."

"Don't worry Dad," I assured him. "If something happens, I'm not going to keep quiet about it."

"That's my girl."

Before we got any closer to the school, we saw the protestors. Police lights flashed us to one lane and ushered us forward. Neon-colored posters flashed everywhere. I could hear yells from inside the car. 

"I wonder where all these people came from," I muttered. "Do you think they're from the neighborhood?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," Dad replied, "but today's your first day of school after such a long time. How do you feel?"

"It hasn't been that long," I reminded him. 

"You haven't answered my question though."

I shrugged. "I'm not sure," I said honestly. "I mean, it'll be nice going back to school but, I don't know. I don't know how to feel. So much has changed."

"You have Sonia and Carlos, right?"

I couldn't help but grimace. We still weren't in such a great place. I doubt we would ever return to the way we were before but I had made peace with that. Honestly, I wouldn't know what to say if I bumped into them in the hall. Ms. Kim's announcement mentioned that our schedules and classes were going to change. It made sense. We were getting fifty or so vampires as new students. Things were bound to change.

"I guess," I muttered.

I hadn't exactly told my parents that Sonia and I weren't on speaking terms anymore. She had yet to give me an apology and until then, well, I couldn't bring myself to act like nothing had happened between us. 

"Well, here we are."

Dad pulled in behind another vehicle. Unlike before, there weren't any of my classmates waiting outside on the lawn. Instead, there were policemen and security guards at every door and across the lawn. I grabbed my backpack from the floor and leaned over to kiss goodbye to my dad. 

"Have a good day at school."

I waved. "I'll try."

As I walked towards the school, a security guard met me at the door. He had a scanner on one hand and the other on the door.

"ID please."

I grabbed my student ID from my backpack and showed it to him. He scanned it and it beeped.

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now