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That evening, I waited for Alexander to show up. 

I got through all my online quizzes, submitted the last of my assignments from the 'break', and even read the chapters for tomorrow. I didn't want anything to distract us from having a conversation. As I waited, a organized my room a little. It wasn't exactly messy, but it could use some organization. 

Half-past nine, there was a knock on the window. It was so sudden, I shot up on my feet. How long had it been since Alexander had done that? Too long.

"It's me," Alexander said from outside. 

"Y-yeah," I stammered out. "Enter."

Enter?  I thought. Did I just say that?  There's no reason to be nervous. We're just going to talk.

Alexander appeared in my room. He wore a suit. The tie was loose around his neck and had a few buttons undone. My mouth may have opened a bit but I couldn't be sure. I was still focused on Alexander. Not once had I ever seen him in a suit. He had conferences before, but he had never worn a suit.

My stomach fluttered a little bit. I hated to admit it but I wasn't exactly - and completely- immune to Alexander's looks. We were dating but, if I ever complimented him on his looks, he'd never let me hear the end of it. 

Before I could say anything, he plopped down on my bed and laid back. 

"You're going to wrinkle your clothes," I blurted out. 

Alexander looked at me. "That's the first time I've heard that like ever."

I swatted his leg. "Get up."

A weird smile appeared on his face. Alexander suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me down against him. I found myself staring at the ceiling and squashed against Alexander. 

"I could care less about my clothes," he told me.

I felt small against Alexander. It also felt surreal. The times where I pictured us like this were too many to count. I dropped my arm across him. The silence was a bit awkward. This hadn't turned out the way I'd expected. Then again, with Alexander, nothing went as predicted. 

"You had a meeting tonight?" I asked.

"Dinner," he replied. "Other royal families decided to visit. Your media had the news all over the place."

"I haven't exactly seen the news," I admitted. "There was a lot to do." I left the part out that watching him on tv was a bit painful. 

He shrugged. "It's not that important," he said, "but the King wanted me there. Now I can't even go anywhere without his approval."

I propped myself up on one arm. "Is he okay with you being here?" I asked. "Will you get in trouble?"

"I don't know and, at this point, I don't care. Besides, I'm sure he has me followed. He probably already knows where I'm at."

"Does your family know about us?"

It was a legit question. I'm sure the King suspected. My parents probably knew something happened between us, but they had never asked and I hadn't volunteered any information.

"The King does," he replied.

"Then, he does have something over your head."

Alexander frowned. "What makes you think that?"

"Because you're you," I told him. "You wouldn't do anything you didn't want unless someone blackmailed you." I swallowed thickly. "What does the King have on your head?"

The Vampire Prince returns to High School (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now