Lawyers and Detention

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Detention was held upstairs. The only ones in there were humans and I didn't recognize anyone. It was a bit surprising not to see Carlos in here but I guess it was true that he wasn't attending school anymore. Maybe he was being homeschooled. Well, regardless, I shouldn't dwell on him. 

Mr. Martin motioned me to a chair before returning to grading a stack of papers. It wasn't long before my afternoon my classmates brought me the work for the day. Truth be told, I didn't get much done. I was still pissed about Cassidy. What was it with vampires that they had to Allure their way through problems? I had bad luck with vampires. 

An hour before school ended, I was called back into the office. My dad waited in the lobby. Seeing him, the reason why I had been called in was made super clear. 

"What did they tell you?" I asked him. 

He gave me a look. "They said you assaulted someone."

"Yeah," I admitted. "You remember Cassidy? Well, guess what. She used her Allure on me because I wanted to tell Ms. Kim that I saw a vampire feeding on a girl."

For a moment, my dad just looked at me. That was a lot of information to process. 

"Give me a minute," he said and walked out of the office. 

The secretary gave me a look before telling me to sit down. A few minutes later, Dad came back and sat down beside me. 

"What was that all about?" I asked. 

"I gave a call to Mr. Keys," he told me. 

"Was that necessary?"

The fact that we had a lawyer on call didn't sit right with me. It was mostly because I had put myself into a troublesome situation. Slapping a vampire was considered a troublesome situation especially because of why I did it. 

"I'd like to be prepared," Dad replied. "Plus, it wouldn't exactly be fair if you were the only one punished. Sure, you can't prove what happened, but you're not one to cry wolf."

I smiled at my dad, grateful. Truth be told, I sincerely doubted Cassidy was going to get in trouble. She knew Violet and, if Violet had a say in this, Cassidy would leave with only a slap on the wrist. It's probably why Dad had called Mr. Keys. You always had to have lawyers when dealing with vampires.

We waited in the office for a good twenty minutes before Dad went in to talk to Ms. Kim. Coming out of her office was the human girl and what looked to be her parents. They weren't happy. The secretary had a few words for them before they walked out.

Dad was in there for a long time. He was still in there when the bell rang. A few curious people peaked in. Had they heard what'd happened? There were only four who initially knew. Had Cassidy told someone? What did she have to gain by doing so? If being with Alexander had taught me anything was that vampires always had some motive for doing something. Well, it probably only held true for him.


I looked up at my dad. His brow was furrowed. I guess it hadn't gone well. Well, he'd tell me all about it on the way home. Surprisingly, he didn't. He didn't speak at all. I started to get a little scared. What had Ms. Kim told him? I almost wanted to ask but didn't.

Mom was home when we arrived. I didn't spell brownies.

As soon as we walked in, Dad told me to go up to my room. I looked at Mom but she didn't say anything. With no other option, I went upstairs.

During the time I was in my room, I did some homework. Regardless of what had happened today, it still needed to get done. I sent a message to Alexander asking if he could visit today, but he didn't reply as quickly as he normally did.

As I waited, my parents knocked on my door and walked in. They both took a seat on the bed.

"Did you guys finally decide to tell me what Ms. Kim said?" I asked. "The suspense is killing me."

"You have detention for two weeks," Dad said. "You did hit a student."

"Makes sense," I said. I shrugged. "But that doesn't explain why you were so quiet."

Mom spoke this time. "Well, you hit a student in front of a lot of kids. Word travels fast and now everyone knows a vampire student was attacked by a human student. Cassidy's parents are talking about legal action."

"That's bullshit."

Mom frowned at me. "Well, yes but don't use that language in front of us. I want to believe I raised you right."

"Words are used to express yourself," I told her.

"Rin, listen to your mom."

Sighing, I crossed my arms. "It's bullshit though. Do they knew what she did to me?"

Dad shook his head. "We can still ground you."

"Can we please move on to a more pressing issue than my choice of words? Besides, it's not like I do it often. Only in certain circumstances like this one.

"Plus, I heard you guys let a few ones slip once in a while so, I guess I learned from both of you."

They frowned at me.

"Fine," I groaned out. "I won't talk like in front of you. Just tell me what's going to happen."

Mom sighed. "Mr. Keys is going to talk to them. The usage of Allure is a sensitive topic for you and you had every right to do what you did, but it still doesn't make it right."

"I doubt they'll make a huge deal about it," Dad added. "It seems everyone wants to hide the fact that a vampire fed on a human on school grounds. If this shows up on the news, this whole movement might shut down."

"What's going to happen to the girls?" I asked.

"Ms. Kim didn't say," Dad replied. "All I know is that Cassidy isn't going to detention."

"So, she only gets a slap on the wrist?" I asked.

Dad shrugged. "I asked about that and Ms. Kim couldn't disclose that information."

I rolled my eyes. "That's still . . . so dumb."

"Just let me and Dad handle it," Mom said. "You just do what they tell you to do and try not to open Pandora's box."

I gasped. "Mom, how dare you?"

Mom raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not that petty," I told her. "But if it makes you feel better, I won't say anything."

They stayed with me for a few minutes before leaving. Drained, I laid down. Why couldn't I catch a break?

My phone chimed. I rolled over and grabbed it.

'Speaking with an Ambassador,' Alexander had replied. 'Will visit late.'

'I'll wait for you,' I typed. 'I need someone to talk to.'

I looked at the message and deleted the last part. He'd probably try to get away as soon as possible.

'See you soon,' I typed instead and send it.

A/N: thanks for the wait guys. I've been super busy lately. Hope you enjoy it.

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