Truth Searching

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Sneaking into class was probably the hardest thing I had to do. The hall monitors watched every hallway like a hawk. Or maybe a vulture. Either way, if I was caught I'd have detention.

Then again, being apart from everyone didn't seem like a bad idea. I wouldn't have to speak to anyone. That's not why you came to school, said a voice in my head. Right. I came to get distracted.

Somehow, I made it to the classroom. I opened the door and walked in. No one turned to look at me. Not even the teacher. Everyone was so engrossed with the lecture.

My gaze settled on my seat. Then, to the seat next to it.

My heart clenched.

Alexander had his back to me but I knew he was aware of my presence. It also explained why no one had noticed my entrance. I swallowed thickly.

My legs refused to budge. A part of me wanted to rush out but I knew I had nowhere else to go. I managed to walk to my desk and sit down.

I couldn't bring myself to look at him. My eyes pricked. Why was I so pathetic? I didn't even feel guilty about being Alexander's mistress. I should be apologizing to Cassidy and yet, I was over here, hurt like Alexander had cheated on me. 

Worse still was that I wanted an explanation but I couldn't even give Alexander that. I didn't want to hear him speak. It was unfair of me but what was I supposed to do with the ache eating at my chest?

I took a deep breath and pulled my textbook from my backpack.

"It's page 57," Alexander muttered.

I clenched my jaw. Was I supposed to be polite and say 'thanks'? I didn't want to be polite. I wanted to stay angry and hurt. I couldn't just let it go. Not right now at least.

I ignored Alexander and tried to listen to the lesson. After ten minutes, I was still lost. Sighing, I put my head down. This was a bad idea and I needed to go home.

"Do you need to go to the nurse?"

I glared at Alexander before I realized what I was doing. It was a mistake. I never realized vampires could look so drained and ill.

Shaking my head, I looked away. I can't do this. I didn't want to be here. Before I could change my mind, I grabbed my belongings and walked out. The sooner I was away from him, the sooner the pain could go away.



Alexander watched Rin step out of the classroom. He listened to her footsteps as she walked towards the office. His heart clenched. There was no doubt in his mind that she had hated him.

Sighing, he looked down at the letter he'd planned on giving her. He ripped it and shoved it into his pocket. No. Writing a letter wasn't going to help. He needed to tell her the truth directly.

A lot of advice forums had said to give her space. She would talk to him when she was ready. Others had said to talk politely like he would any other person.

Not that it helped much, he thought to himself. She still walked out.

But he had tried and it had gotten him nowhere. He had barely been able to speak or even looked at her. The giant hole in his chest was drowning him.

Tiredly, he rubbed his face. Before he could patch things up with Rin, he needed to figure out how she ended up at the Ball without him knowing. Alexander had gone through the list of those invited and hadn't seen her name anywhere.

Who had brought her . . .?

Mentally, he kicked himself. How was he so blind? Of course, it had to be the mafia. Who else could have done it? No one else had their slimy hands into the Royal family's business.

But finding their agent would be difficult. He didn't know everyone involved with the mafia and he doubted asking around was going to turn up anything.

It was ridiculous to think Rin wouldn't have found out, but maybe if he had told her himself it wouldn't have turned out this way. Either way, as soon as he figured out which agent had brought Rin to the Ball, the sooner he could figure out why. Then maybe, just maybe, he could make things go back the way they were before.


Hi, readers. Thanks for your continued support. I enjoy reading all the comments left behind even though I don't comment on every single one of them.
I wanted to not only thank you but also apologize for this week's short chapter. I'm trying to figure out the length of this book mostly because it will not be as long as the first one. I don't want to include unnecessary chapters or draw things out that shouldn't be.
On a side note, I'm working on the rewrite of the Vampire Prince goes to High School and it's been taking up most of my time but I promise that next week's chapter will be longer.

End rant.
Thanks for reading,

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