Meeting fans at secret sessions

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Taylor had just finished her new album and had decided to do more secret sessions with her fans. You were helping her bake some cookies and brownies for the fans that would be coming today.

You felt so excited!

It was the first time you'd get to witness this!

You saw them beginning to arrive and talked to Andrea before you finally walked out, nervous as to how they'd react to you being there.

You heard a few screams of your name and a few girls walked over to you before throwing their arms around you making you giggle.

After Taylor had played the album for them she planned to take some photos with all the fans.

You decided to just stand to the side, not wanting to get in the way.

You watched Taylor interact with them, she was so happy and kept thanking them for coming and would take a few minutes to talk to each one.

You were smiling watching her before you felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to see a few girls behind you.

They were smiling, their cheeks wet from crying but you could tell they were genuinely grateful to be there and it made you so happy.

"Hey girls. How are you? Are you guys having a good time?"

You kept talking with them for a few minutes before you looked back at Taylor who was already looking at you.

She waved at you and smiled, blowing you a kiss before she returned to talking to the fan who was next in line.

"Y/N? Can we ask you something?"

"Of course!"

"What's your absolute favorite thing about Taylor?"

You smiled at them and looked back at Taylor who was sitting down talking to the same fan she had been talking to for a few minutes now.

"Everything. I don't know how I could ever choose a favorite. Maybe her big beautiful heart..?"

The fans smiled as you continued to watch Taylor, a smile on your face as you saw how happy they both were.

"She loves you all so much. She's been planning this for a while now. You make her so happy."

"She makes us happy!"

You grinned at the fans before you all turned towards Taylor who was now standing up and smiling at you, waiting patiently for the fans to come to see her.

They immediately ran towards her and you giggled as they all smiled and laughed together, your heart bursting with love and happiness at the sight.

This was what it was truly all about and you loved how Taylor went all out for her fans, wanting to meet all of them and do everything she possibly could to make that happen.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now