She carries you to bed

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You had come down with a pretty nasty cold and so when Taylor was at the studio today, you somehow found the strength to carry down a few blankets and pillows, along with a few other things you'd need like tissues and your phone & charger, and you made yourself comfortable.

You had been sick for about two days now but today has been the worst so far, yet you were still determined to make it till Taylor got home tonight.

You turned on friends reruns and tried to make yourself comfortable, but you couldn't get comfortable no matter what you did.

You were laying in a comfortable position and the couch itself was comfortable, but you couldn't stop blowing your nose and coughing, not to mention the fact that you couldn't breathe through your nose, and breathing through your mouth made you wheeze a little.

You whined and closed your eyes, praying for a few hours of sleep from how sick and gross you were feeling.

You must've somehow fallen asleep because the next thing you knew Taylor was picking you up in her arms and carefully carrying you up the stairs to bed.

You opened your eyes and your warm forehead was pressed against her shoulder, you whined when you realized how sick you were feeling.

"Shh it's okay honey. I'm just carrying you up to bed, okay? Go back to sleep, it's okay, I've got you."

She kissed your forehead and before you knew it, your back was resting on the cool mattress of your shared bed.

You were so out of it that you didn't even notice that Taylor had gone downstairs to grab your things as well as some water and medicine for you in hopes that it would not only make you feel a little better but also take your fever down.

She changed into her pajamas before sitting down on her side of the bed, gently shaking you awake once again.

"Hey beautiful, I'm sorry to wake you again but I need you to take these for me, okay?"

You groaned but sat up slowly to take the medicine and drink some water before you laid back down. Taylor pulled the covers up over you and placed the back of her hand on your warm forehead, sighing when she realized that you most definitely had a fever.

She kissed your forehead before she turned off the lamp on her bedside table and pulled you in her arms.

"I hope you feel better soon baby. I love you so much. Goodnight."

She kissed her cheek before she closed her eyes, ready to join you in a, hopefully, peaceful night's sleep and she hoped that you'd feel at least a little bit better in the morning.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now