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If there was one thing that always made you feel insecure it was your acne.

It was something that you've always struggled with and no matter what you tried, nothing helped.

You've gone through acne product after acne product, you've tried everything a dermatologist would recommend. At one point you'd ever seen one who gave you a couple of things you could try but none of them worked.

Taylor was always so loving, constantly reminding you how beautiful you are and how much she loved you despite your insecurities- to her, they were imperfections that made you perfect.

You and Taylor had gone out for a walk this morning and per usual paparazzi followed your every move.

By the time you two had gotten back home the pictures had surfaced and headlines were created, but one thing stuck out- people were pointing out your acne.

You scrolled through your tags on Instagram and mentions on Twitter, people were pointing out the bumps on your face and it hit you hard.

You threw your phone down and ran upstairs to the bathroom, locking the door behind you as Taylor followed you.

She knocked on the door before pressing her ear against the door where she could distinctly hear your sobs.

"Y/N? Honey? Open the door."

You stared at your reflection in the mirror, your eyes now red and puffy as the tears slid down your cheeks.

"Y/N? Are you okay? What happened? Please let me in."

You hesitated for a few seconds before sliding down onto the floor and crawling towards the door to unlock it, Taylor entering immediately.

She ran over to you and pulled you onto her lap, her hands rubbing up and down your back as you buried your face in her neck.

"What happened babe?"

"I hate my acne. People constantly point it out and it sucks because I'm already so insecure about it."

She nodded her head and kissed your temple, her heart-shattering in her chest while she tried to hold back the tears.

"Listen to me y/n. They don't know you, okay? Not like I do. I'm the one who gets to love you and be with you everyday. Screw what they think! I think you're beautiful and that your acne is just a part of you. I know you hate it and I know it makes you feel insecure but to me it's part of you and I love every damn part of you. Don't listen to them, they don't know what they're talking about. I love you so much."

She wiped your damp cheeks and smiled at you before kissing your lips softly. When she pulled away she rested her forehead on yours and held your chin in one of her hands so you could look directly into her eyes without being able to turn away.

"I love you too Taylor."

You gave her a small smile before kissing her cheek making her giggle.

You rested your head on her shoulder as she ran her fingers up and down your back, your ear pressed against her chest to hear her steady heartbeat which seemed to speed up a little each time you moved.

You two stayed like that for a while, neither of you wanting to move and both of you just enjoying the moment.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now