Talking about you on ellen (requested)

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Taylor was super excited to be back on Ellen again, it had been too long since she'd last seen her and she was excited to be back in such a familiar and comfortable place.

Taylor was back doing some interviews again, ready to talk about the new chapter and album in her life. She began thinking about all the times she'd been here before and how much in her life had changed since she'd last been on.

She snapped out of her thoughts when Ellen had said her name, a big and genuine smile on her face as she walked out onto the stage, hugging Ellen before sitting down on the chair she'd sat on so many times before.

The audience cheered loudly making Taylor smile and giggle, everyone in the room following suit.

"Hi Taylor!"

"Hi Ellen!" she smiled, the audience cheering loudly once again.

She truly has missed this.

"How have you been? It's been a while since I've seen you. You look great!"

Taylor smiled, the entire room lighting up when she did so.

"I'm so good, thank you!"

Ellen began asking her some questions about the new album, Taylor answering all the questions without hesitation.

Taylor had been laughing and smiling the whole way through so far, but when Ellen mentioned you her smile grew even wider, if that was even possible.

Her heart fluttered in her chest, an undeniably happy smile on her face.

"So let's talk about y/n, your girlfriend, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

"She seems like such a great girl. I can tell she makes you really happy!"

"Oh absolutely. Yeah, she's amazing, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She's everything I've ever wanted. She's very genuine and so supportive of me, I really really love her."

The audience cooed at her words making Taylor blush and giggle, her heart racing in her chest as she thought about you.

"But my favorite thing about her is that she lets me be my true self around her and she never judges me for anything I do, and that means so much to me. I've never really been this in love before in my entire life but it's a beautiful thing and I just love her. She's my favorite person."

Ellen smiled, looking at how genuinely happy Taylor was, something that she loved to see so much.

"I've never seen you this happy before. It's what you deserve. I'm so happy you've found the one, you deserve it and she seems absolutely amazing."

The audience cheered and applauded Ellen's words, Taylor ducking her head down as her cheeks turned red, smiling the biggest smile- something she's found herself doing everyday since meeting you.

She giggled happily, Ellen asking her a couple more questions before the interview ended.

As much as Taylor had enjoyed the interview there, she was happy to finally get to go home to you for the day.

She opened Twitter to already find people talking about the interview and how cute the two of you are together, Taylor giggling as she liked a few of the tweets before putting her phone in her pocket, ready to go home to be with her favorite girl.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now