You pass out

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One minute you were fine and the next thing you knew you were waking up on the floor with people crowded around you.

They were asking you if you were okay, one person shining a light in your eyes and it made you wince before you looked away.

You tried to sit up only for your head to pound when you did. A crew member gently pushed you back down before they looked at another crew member and told them to go get Taylor.

They ran off to find her and the crew member asked you some questions until you heard Taylor yelling out for you and her footsteps getting closer.

She sat down next to you and put her hand on your forehead.

"Y/n! Are you okay? Did you hit your head? Are you sick baby? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

It all came out very rushed and it made you smile a little.

You grabbed her hands in yours and squeezed them, hoping it'd give her a little reassurance.

"I'm okay, Taylor. I'm not sure what happened but I'm alright."

Taylor sighed heavily, looking at you as if she felt guilty for not being there to catch you.


You squeezed her hand again making her look at you. She leaned down and kissed your cheek, her soft lips lingered on your skin for a few seconds before she pulled back.

"Do you think she was dehydrated or something?"

She asked one of the EMT's who had checked on you after you passed out.

He shrugged, saying that it was the most likely exhaustion but it could've had something to do with the heat as well.

Taylor thanked him as he packed up and left the room, most of the people that had surrounded you when you passed out had started to leave the room too.

Only one crew member remained and Taylor quickly asked them to grab you a bottle of water which they were quick to go and grab.

She thanked them and they quickly left the room, giving you and Taylor some space and privacy.

"Here. Drink some of this, baby."

She put one hand under your back to help you arch your back a bit and she used the other one to hold the water bottle

. You took a few sips before laying back on the floor and Taylor placed the bottle of water by your legs.

"Are you sure you're okay, darling?"

She stroked your cheek softly and you nodded, leaning into her hand and closing your eyes before opening them again a couple of seconds later.

"Taylor, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me."

She tugged at her hair and bit her lip, tears stinging her eyes and though she tried to hold them back, one left and fell down her cheek.

"can't help it. When they told me you passed out... baby, I was so worried. I was scared you hit your head or something. I always worry about you, baby, and this is exactly why. I hate knowing that I wasn't here when it happened."

You smiled and gripped her hand, leaning up with what little strength you had left to kiss her softly. You pulled back and laid back down.

"I'm okay, Taylor. I just wanna go back to your dressing room and get some sleep, maybe cuddle you for a bit before you go on stage."

She smiled at you and helped you up, slowly and carefully. You took it slow and with her arm wrapped around you waist as you held on to her side, you were able to make it to the dressing room just fine.

Taylor helped you get comfortable on the couch before she laid behind you, making sure you were nice and warm with a light blanket on you as she cuddled close to you.

"I love you, baby. Get some sleep."

And you did.

Not needing to be told twice, you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep as Taylor laid behind you, holding you securely in her arms.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now