You get a tattoo of her lyrics

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It had been weighing on your mind more and more lately. Before you began dating Taylor you were a swiftie before all else, unashamedly, you know every word of every song by heart.

Since you two began dating over seven months ago you started seeing a side of Taylor she normally kept private, a side she didn't show often, and you loved knowing that she felt so close to you that she was comfortable enough to show that side to you.

You have a couple of tiny tattoos already, Taylor knew about those, but lately, you've been wanting another one, and what would be better than a tattoo with your girlfriend's lyrics?

It wasn't an uncommon thing. Lots of people had tattoos of Taylor and her lyrics so you decided, why not?

Taylor had to go to the studio for a quick songwriting session giving you the perfect opportunity to go and get your tattoo.

When it was finished you took a picture on your phone to post it later, but for now, you wanted to get home and show it to Taylor.

When you arrived home you saw the lights in the bedroom upstairs were on and her car was in the driveway indicating Taylor was home. You took a breath before going upstairs.

Taylor was on the bed with her guitar on her lap, humming and singing a few lyrics under her breath. You cleared your throat making her look at you. You were standing in the doorway with a smirk on your face, Taylor smiled and sat her guitar down on the bed next to her before getting up and walking towards you.

She grabbed your hand and led you over to the bed, her hands wrapped in yours as she stared at you lovingly.

"What's up beautiful?"

"Not much. I got a surprise for you."

She raised her eyebrow but gestured for you to go on.

You let go of her hands and took your shirt off, turning around so she could see the tattoo you got done on the top of your back.

She gasped and gently ran her fingers over the tattoo making you wince, Taylor pulling her fingers away instantly in fear of hurting you.

"It's still a little sore but what do you think?"

The tattoo on your back was of lyrics from innocent, her fingers gently touching the ink on your back again.

"Today is never too late to be brand new."

You leaned your head back and looked at her, her eyes looking into yours making your breath hitch in your throat.

"It's beautiful. You're beautiful."

She kissed the skin of your back softly making you giggle and turn around, her lips meeting yours a couple of seconds later to sweep you into a loving and passionate kiss.

"I love you so much, and this is the sweetest thing. Thank you."

She kissed your cheek before pulling you into her arms, her face resting in the crook of your neck, and her warm breath fanning over your skin.

"I love you so much more Taylor."

"Not possible babe." She kissed your neck making you smile.

Needless to say, that tattoo was one of the greatest things you'd ever done.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now