Sick and sleepy cuddles (requested)

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You whined as you continued to sweat, the covers kicked off of your body.

You had come down with a nasty fever and you felt miserable, wanting to do nothing but sleep.

Unfortunately, you were having a tough time sleeping because you couldn't stop tossing and turning.

One minute you were hot, the next you were freezing. You felt so miserable.

You jumped when you felt Taylor's hand on your back, her head buried in your neck as her nose brushed over your warm skin.

"Still not feeling well, honey?"

You shook your head, another whine leaving your lips when you felt the blanket being pulled up to rest over your body again.

"Try to get some rest baby. I'll be here if you need me."

She kissed your shoulder as she watched your eyes close again, hoping this time they'd remain closed and you'd be able to sleep.

She smiled when she heard the small snores coming from you, something you only did when you were sick or super tired.

She kissed your forehead before exiting the room, the door remaining open only a crack so she could peek inside to check on you.

Taylor was watching tv and scrolling through Tumblr when she heard your footsteps on the stairs, looking over at you to find you wrapped up in a blanket and slowly coming her way.

You coughed a couple of times before plopping down on her lap, and even though she knew you felt miserable, she couldn't hide the smile forming when you began to snuggle up to her.

You buried your face in her hoodie, her hands rubbing up and down you back as she watched your eyes close again. She kissed your head and smiled when she heard you snoring again, her heart melting into a puddle in her chest when she realized that you only wanted her and you couldn't sleep without her.

You were always extra clingy when you were sick and Taylor didn't mind one bit. She continued to rub your back as she watched law & order, looking back at your sleeping figure every once in a while, her heart overflowing with love and adoration for you and how cute you looked cuddled up to her like you were.

Before she knew it the sun began to set and her eyes slowly began to close. She fought to keep them open just in case you needed her, but as hard as she fought to keep them open, it was no use and she slowly drifted off to sleep.

She awoke a couple of hours later to the sound of crying. She opened her eyes and looked around, her eyes landing on you and noticing that you were no longer on her lap.

Instead you were on the other end of the couch, your hands trembling as you tried to catch your breath. She saw the tears falling down your face and her heart ached for you, her instincts kicking in and reaching to pull you into her arms immediately.

You buried your face in her neck and she didn't miss how the hot, wet tears fell against her skin.

"Baby what happened? Did you have a nightmare?"

You nodded your head, too breathless to answer her. She hated seeing you so upset and she wanted nothing more than to take away the pain you were feeling.

"Come on honey, let's get you to bed."

She was about to get up when you shook your head, your hands gripping her for dear life, terrified to let her go.

"No! No I don't wanna go back to sleep. I'm too scared."

She sighed sadly, her hands rubbing your back softly as she kissed your hair repeatedly.

"It's okay baby, I'm here. You don't need to be scared, I'm not gonna let you go baby, I promise. You've got nothing to be afraid of."

She stood up carefully, your legs hooked around her thighs and your arms hooked around her neck as you continued to cry onto her soft skin.

"Shh, you're okay, baby, I've got you." She whispered sweet words of comfort in your ear as she slowly walked upstairs, not wanting to startle you at all.

She sighed in relief when she reached the bedroom, her heart aching as you continued to sob. She unhooked your legs from her hips and your arms from her neck, laying you down on the soft mattress before she quickly climbed in bed next to you.

She pulled you on top of her, her hands rubbing soft circles on your back as you cried into her hoodie.

"Shhh, darling, it's okay. You're safe baby, I promise. Go to sleep y/n, I'm right here."

You shook your head, your breathing slowly returning to normal but she knew you weren't calming down much.

She sighed and kissed your head, her nose brushing against your wet face as she tried to coax you to sleep.

"You've got nothing to be afraid of baby. Just go to sleep, I'll be right here with you the whole time, darling."

You slowly started to calm down but she could tell you were fighting sleep, so she decided to do something she knew always calmed you down enough to sleep- sing.

"Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night. I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry. I know your favorite songs and you tell me 'bout your dreams. Think I know where you belong, think I know it's with me."

She quietly sang in your ear, something that always helped you fall asleep, but not tonight. She sighed when she saw that your eyes were still open, her hands still rubbing your back softly, wanting nothing more than to help you calm down so you could get done well-deserved rest.

She wasn't sure what else to do and just as she was about to ask you if you needed anything, she heard your soft snores again. She smiled and kissed your head, pausing when she realized that you still had a fever.

She knew you were exhausted from feeling so sick, your body tired from trying to fight off whatever virus you must've had.

She wrapped her arms around you to keep you close to her, your body still on hers. She felt her cheeks heat up when you moved, your ear pressing against her heart, the sound of her heartbeat was always soothing to you.

Taylor looked at you and saw how relaxed you were. She pressed one more kiss to your forehead before closing her eyes and joining you in a nice peaceful sleep.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now