You get mobbed

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Taylor gripped your hand tightly in hers as you two walked through the crowded airport. You were heading home from your first vacation together in months; Taylor had surprised you with tickets to Italy, wanting to spend quality time with you after a three month long promo tour.

It was certainly a fun three weeks that you spent in Italy together, pigging out on yummy food and exploring together. It was just what you needed and Taylor promised you that you would be doing more vacations like that together very soon.

You were never the best with crowds and this crowded airport was no exception. People were screaming in your ear and yelling out yours and Taylor's names. It was terrifying to say the least.

Taylor looked over at you, leaning close to whisper in your ear and to double check that you were okay. She knows just how much large crowds freak you out and she could feel your hand trembling in hers.

She wrapped her arm around your hip and the other around your side to keep you close to her, looking around to try to find the exit of the airport. It was hard to see with hundreds of fans and paparazzi surrounding her, but she was determined to get you out of there as quickly as possible.

You kept your hand in hers, looking around and biting your lip so hard you thought it might bleed. You looked around in search of the exit when you felt a hand pull your hair, a yelp leaving your lips making Taylor pull you closer to her.

"Are you okay? Did someone pull on your hair?"

You nodded your head as tears formed in your eyes, burying your face on her shoulder as your anxiety began to worsen. Taylor was about to say something else when she saw the exit of the airport making her anxiety dissipate.

"I see the exit, babe." She whispered to you, kissing your forehead and looking at the crowd that slowly began to fade away the closer you got to the exit.

Once you to got to the cab that was waiting for you she let you climb in first as the driver loaded your bags into the trunk.

You rested your head on her shoulder and took a few deep breaths, looking around at your surroundings and finally feeling like you can breathe again.

"You alright, baby? I'm so sorry that happened."

You shook your head and closed your eyes. "It's not your fault, Tay. I'm okay. Just more shaken up than anything else." You mumbled out sleepily, Taylor smiling down at you as the cab driver started to head to your house.

"Go to sleep baby. I'll wake you up when we get home." You yawned and nodded your head against her shoulder, drifting off to sleep safe in Taylor's arms as she hummed a familiar melody in your ear.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now