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It was an uncommon thing that you two did, not because you didn't want to or you were ashamed of your relationship, but rather that you kept your intimate moments behind closed doors.

You knew today would be different when you woke up. This day has been planned out for a couple of weeks now; a day where you two would go out and see a movie together, get some dinner, maybe some ice cream, and then a walk on the beach.

With Taylor's busy schedule you two didn't get days like this very much so you both always looked forward to it when you did.

But you didn't plan on Taylor being so clingy and she's been that way since you two got up this morning.

She's followed you everywhere, even to the bathroom while you brushed your teeth. She insisted on keeping you close to her as if she was afraid that if she let go you'd disappear.

You couldn't help but giggle as she kissed across your face or your shoulder, her grip on you gentle but firm.

Flash forward to after the movie you saw together, you were obsessing over the ending and how crazy the twist had been when you saw a couple of paparazzi out of the corner of your eye.

Taylor's hand was in yours and normally aside from a kiss on the cheek here and there, that was the most PDA you two would have.

But Taylor felt differently today and pulled you into her side, her arm slung around your shoulder as she kissed the left side of your face repeatedly.

You entered the ice cream shop and saw a couple of people look at you and Taylor which wasn't anything unusual or new to either of you.

She stood behind you and rested a hand on your hip and her chin on your shoulder.

"Your usual, darling?"

You nodded and giggled when you felt Taylor's eyelashes on your neck. Taylor ordered both your ice creams before grabbing your hand in her free one and pulling you close as it rested on your side, both of you grinning from ear to ear.

You saw the cameras from the corner of your eye and were about to remove Taylor's hand from your side when she only tightened it. The cameras continued to follow you guys as you kept walking, eventually finishing your ice cream which meant that Taylor could use her other hand now.

She stopped and looked around, noticing the crowd of fans surrounding you as well as the paparazzi; but it didn't stop her. She shrugged her shoulders before grabbing your chin with one hand and your hair in the other as she kissed you with pure passion.

She was tired of not showing you off to the world and not showing much affection, but that stopped then. She pulled away and smirked, still aware that the cameras around you both were flashing like crazy.

"What was that for?" You asked her a couple minutes later and she only responded with a smirk and a giggle.

"Nothing. I just really love you and I want the world to know that."

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now