You meet her family

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It was your first Christmas with Taylor. You've been dating for a few months now, taking your time with things and not rushing anything in your relationship.

When Taylor asked you if you'd like to go home with her for Christmas you were nervous but agreed nonetheless, but now as you stood in the doorway the nerves was returning and you felt like your heart might explode out of your chest.

Taylor had her hand intertwined with yours as she led you through the front door and over to her family. There were lots of people surrounding you and as soon as you and Taylor stepped foot in the kitchen all eyes were on the two of you.

People cheered happily when they saw Taylor, rushing over to her to give her a hug before they hugged you tightly, welcoming you to the family. Andrea walked over to you and Taylor, pulling her in for a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek before she paused to look at you.

Your heart was racing and you felt Taylor squeeze your hand, reassuring you that everything was okay.

"Hi! I'm Andrea, you must be y/n! Oh, Taylor has told us so much about you!"

You giggled when she pulled you in for a hug, squeezing you tightly and rubbing your back. She pulled away a few seconds later and walked back over to the other guests.

Taylor pulled you aside, wrapping her arms around your waist from behind and kissing your cheek.

"See? I told you they'd like you."

Your heart fluttered as her fingers brushed over your sides making you squirm around in her arms. You two were laughing and joking around when Scott and Austin approached you, smiling at how cute the two of you were being.

"Well aren't you guys cute." Scott said making you giggle, Taylor keeping one arm around your waist as she hugged her dad with the other.

Austin came up to you and gave you a big hug before letting you go.

"So you're the famous y/n I've heard so much about. It's nice to finally meet you." Austin said, looking at Taylor as she looked at you with pure adoration, her whole family loving seeing how truly happy you make her.

"Well welcome to the family y/n. If you need anything, anything at all, don't hesitate to ask, alright?" Scott said to you making your eyes widen but you nodded your head, resting it on Taylor's shoulder and looking up to meet her eyes.

They were sparkling, so bright and so beautiful, filled with pure happiness and it made you smile.

"Thank you guys for being so kind to me. I was a little nervous before we got here but you guys have made me feel so welcomed."

Taylor kissed your cheek making you blush, everyone laughing as your cheeks turned bright red.

"Of course y/n. All we really want is to see Taylor happy and I can tell that you make her happy just like she makes you happy. You're a part of this family so don't be scared to talk to me or Austin or Andrea at any time, okay?"

You nodded your head, squirming out of Taylor's arms and giving both of them a huge hug, grateful that they had been so warm and so welcoming. You felt a huge weight lift off of your shoulders knowing that they approved of your relationship with Taylor and that they like you so much.

Eventually Scott and Austin walked over to talk to more guests that had arrived, leaving you and Taylor and letting you guys have some time alone.

"Told you they'd love you. Not as much as I do, but still. They love you and that's all that matters."

You turned to look at her, kissing her lips and resting your head on her shoulder, smiling happily.

"I love you Tay."

"I love you more."

She kissed your head, her eyes closing as she stood, her arms wrapped around you to hold you close to her, feeling happier and more content than ever before.

Some of her family were watching the two of you from a distance, admiring the love you two share for one another, but you didn't really notice; you two were lost in your own little world and you felt happier than you ever thought was possible.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now