Rainy days

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You slowly opened your eyes to the sound of the rain hitting the roof making you feel relaxed. You looked over to see Taylor, who was still sound asleep.

You kissed her forehead before putting on your slippers and going downstairs to the kitchen to make some tea.

You sighed in contentment as you watched the rainfall, your whole body and mind feeling completely relaxed. You weren't sure what it was about the rain exactly, but to you, it was always soothing and relaxing, like a calming sensation and you didn't mind it at all.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the tea kettle whistle, pouring two cups of tea before going upstairs.

You were surprised to see Taylor already sitting up in bed, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

You giggled, the sound making her look up at you. She instantly smiled back at you and reached out for the cup of tea as you inches closer to her.

"Good morning beautiful."

She kissed your cheek, sipping on her cup of tea as she looked at you doing the same. She set the cup down on the nightstand before pulling you close to her, wrapping you up in her soft and gentle embrace.

"You okay this morning, babe?"

You nodded your head before turning it to look out the windows, staring out in pure enjoyment as the rain continued to fall. Taylor looked at you, smiling as she watched you watch the rain, loving how focused and calm you were.

She moved your hair to one side of your neck before burying her face in it, her breath fanning over your skin making you squirm and laugh.

"That tickles!" You laughed, Taylor joining in as her breath continued to tickle your skin.

"What should we do today?"

You crawled over to sit in front of her, your hands grabbing hers as you played with her soft fingers.

"I say we have a lazy day. How's that sound, honey? We'll just stay like this. All-day long."

You smiled and nodded your head, tilting it back to look at her.

"Can we watch some movies too?"

She giggled, pressing a few soft kisses around your face.

"Of course babe, anything you want, as long as we stay in this bed today then we can do whatever you want."

You smiled widely, grabbing her chin with your fingers to bring her face closer to yours so you could kiss her soft lips.

You two stayed in that same position all day long, rarely getting up from the bed unless you needed food or drinks or to use the restroom.

It was peaceful, your heart feeling content as Taylor held you in her arms all day long, the rain continuing to fall making both of you feel even more relaxed.

You watched some of your favorite movies, barely touching your phone all day as well. As cheesy as it might've sounded- this was your happy place.

You wished every day could be like this, that neither of you ever had to leave the bed ever again. And as nighttime crept around, the sky dark, making your room turn pitch black, you felt just as comfortable as you had all day long.

Taylor continued to hold you, letting you fall asleep in that exact position, not even caring to move. She loved days like this and hoped they'd start coming around more often.

She couldn't get enough of them.

She couldn't get enough of you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now