"I'll stay as long as you want me to" (requested)

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You laid in bed underneath the blankets staring at the wall as your phone continued to vibrate. It's been ringing continuously for a while now but you haven't answered any of the calls from anyone, especially not Taylor's.

It wasn't that you didn't want to because you did, but your depression has been getting worse lately and it just felt easier to close yourself off from the rest of the world including those you love.

Taylor, on the other hand, was worried sick about you. She knows things haven't been easy for you lately and it really hurt her that you weren't opening up to her or letting her comfort you.

So she grabbed her keys and drove over to your house, too worried about you and needing to see with her own eyes that you were okay.

When she arrived, she used the extra key you gave her and let herself in. She raced upstairs to find you laying with your back facing her as you stared blankly at the wall.

"y/n?" She whispered quietly, so quietly that she wasn't sure if you even heard her. She didn't want to startle you or for you to be upset at her.

So she slowly crept over towards your bed, sitting down next to you and placing her hand on your back, relief washing through her when she heard you mumble something softly.

"y/n? Are you okay?"

You rolled over and looked at her, Taylor's eyes meeting your sad ones and biting her lip to hold back her tears.

She ran her fingers through your hair and noticed that it was a little dirty but she didn't care, she knew that when your depression would get worse that doing simple things like taking care of yourself was difficult.

She cleared her throat quietly before speaking, not wanting you to hear how shaky it was.

"Baby, c'mon, let's get you a quick shower, okay?"

She walked over to your dresser and grabbed you some clean pajamas before walking over to you and helping you out of bed slowly. She noticed how your knees would shake under you with each step you took.

Once you reached the bathroom she helped you get undressed and did the same herself before getting in the shower with you to help you clean up.

You didn't say anything and neither did she, she just let you enjoy the feeling of the warm water hitting your skin as she washed your hair and body for you.

A sigh escaped her lips when you turned around to face her and rest your forehead on her shoulder, not really wanting to talk but wanting her to know that you appreciated her taking care of you because sometimes you couldn't do it on your own.

Once you were finished she helped you out, wrapping a towel around you and helping you dry off before helping you get into your pajamas, her doing the same a couple moments after you.

She made sure to rub your back as you brushed your teeth and when you were finished she braided your hair, kissing your forehead softly and letting her lips linger for a few seconds to just soak in the fact that you were there with her, maybe not feeling great but you were safe and that was the most important thing.

She helped you back to bed before getting you a glass of water, making sure you drank all of it before setting the glass down on your nightstand and crawling in bed with you.

She saw the bags under your eyes and knew that you hadn't been sleeping much. It wasn't easy for her to see you like this because you were so important to her and in her eyes you deserve nothing but happiness and love.

She held you in her arms and let you rest your head on her shoulder, looking down at you to see you staring blankly at the wall again.

"Baby, why don't you try to get some sleep?"

You shook your head, breathing in the scent of your body wash on her soft skin

"y/n, don't punish yourself like this. I know you're depressed baby, but I'm not gonna let you go. I'm not here to lecture you or make fun of you or tell you that things will get better soon, I'm here to hold you and keep you safe. To remind you that I care about you and love you with all of my heart. You can close your eyes, my love. I'm gonna be right here with you the entire time."

And for the first time in a while, you smiled. She saw it and she did the same, her heart picking up speed in her chest when she saw you smile again.

And again, you did something else you haven't done in a while. You looked at her, your eyes sparkling just a little, and you spoke to her.

"Will you stay with me tonight?"

She smiled and nodded her head, kissing your forehead softly before she began to draw little shapes on your back with her fingertips.

"Absolutely, baby doll. I'll stay here with you as long as you want me to."

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now