You're a YouTuber and you do a vlog together (requested)

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You loved being a YouTuber. It was always so much fun making videos and you had a pretty large following making you love what you did even more.

Even though you've talked about Taylor and your relationship with her in past vlogs, you've never actually done one with her, and everyone was asking you to do one.

So you talked to Taylor one evening whilst wrapped up in her arms and she instantly agreed, extremely intrigued by the idea of it. Once you two had thought about what you'd do in the vlog together, you set everything up and got ready to do the video.

You sat on the floor in front of your camera and hit the record button, Taylor just observing you from the doorway until you called her over.

lHey guys! It's y/n here. Welcome to my channel! A lot of you guys have been asking me to do a vlog with my girlfriend and so I decided that today would be the perfect day to do it! Please welcome my girlfriend, Taylor."

You smiled and waved her over, Taylor laughing and walking over to you, sitting down next to you and waving at the camera before pulling you in between her legs.

"So we had a couple ideas of things we could do for this vlog but we decided to go with a little story and q&a with some questions from Twitter. So I thought maybe we'd start with the story?"

You looked at Taylor and saw that she was already staring at you, she nodded her head and kissed your shoulder before staring back at you.

"So the story of how we met. I was sitting in a cafe in Nashville just listening to some music and she came and sat down at the table across from me. I had just moved there and I didn't really know anyone at that time because everyone I knew was back home. I was kinda shocked when I looked up and saw her but I immediately felt comfortable around her. She asked me about my life a little and then she asked me to see me the next day, so yeah. I'm so lucky and that was such a great day, I'll never ever forget it."

You looked back at Taylor and you both smiled at each other, leaning in and letting her kiss you, not even caring about the fact that this was going to be on YouTube for the world to see.

You looked back at the camera and moved a bit so your back was against her chest, smiling when you felt her lips press against your neck.

lOkay so now q&a!" Taylor giggled and cheered, smiling at how adorable you were being.

"Soo I took a few screenshots of the questions that really intrigued me. How do you handle the distance when Taylor is on tour and you're at home?"

"We talk and FaceTime a lot. Sometimes it can be really difficult but I always try to remind myself that she's the one that I get to go home to, so I just count down the days till I get to hold her again and that makes things easier."

Taylor explained, making you nod your head in agreement.

"Does the hate ever effect your relationship? No, not at all. I think it's only made us stronger, both as a couple and as individuals. I never let that bother me. It comes from strangers, people that don't know me or Taylor personally so I never let it bring me down."

"I like this one- what's your favorite thing about Taylor and vice versa."

You giggled and pretended to think for a minute making Taylor scoff jokingly, tickling your sides and laughing when you squirmed around in her arms.

"My favorite thing about Taylor is how kind and compassionate she is. She cares so much and so genuinely about people and I love that about her. She loves to help people when they need help and she's always there for people when they need someone. She loves very fearlessly shall I say and I love that."

Taylor giggled when you put emphasis on the word, burying her face in the crook of your neck and smiling, kissing your skin softly.

"There are so many things that I love about y/n, but my favorite, personally, is her passion and love for life and people in general. She's very passionate about so many things and she's not afraid to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals and I find that to be very inspirational. I love her a lot, I am the lucky one here."

She kissed your neck a few times and scratched along your back softly making you sigh in contentment. You answered a few more questions before ending the video and editing it, uploading it to YouTube, preparing for all the feedback you'd receive.

It didn't take long for people I tweet about the video and for your tags to practically explode on Instagram, tag after tag with mentions of how cute the video was and even more so, how cute you and Taylor are.

There were so many screenshots and gifs of Taylor kissing your neck and the two of you laughing together. It was definitely your favorite video you've done so far and you vowed to make more of them.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now