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It was something you told her about pretty much after you two became a couple.

You told her how some days you were okay, wanting to go out and spend time with her while other days you wouldn't really have much motivation to even leave your bed.

It was pretty early on in your relationship when she saw first hand the struggles you faced with depression. Instead of walking away she stayed by your side that day, just holding you as you slept and stared blankly at the wall at times.

The one thing she made very clear to you was that she never loved you any less because of your depression.


She could never ever do that. It wasn't possible to love you any less just because you had a mental illness.

She wanted you to know that you could always rely on her wether she was right next to you or on the opposite side of the world, it never made a difference of how much she cared.

It was hard at times, some days worse than others. You'd struggle with getting out of bed to even do simple tasks, but she never judged you for that. Instead she encouraged you, being your shoulder to cry on and the hand to guide you to do the necessary things like brushing your teeth and eating.

Never once did she judge you for it or ask anything from you, just wanting to hold you and love you in return.

You did have good days, really really good days. Days when you'd want to go out to the park or go out for dinner, maybe even see a movie and Taylor would be sure to do all of that with you and more, whatever you wanted and anything that made you happy she did for you.

It was a reminder when she'd see you smile and giggle or just simply hold her hand- you were still there and she needed to know that at times.

She'd never tell you to snap out of it or to remain positive. Those things never helped. She'd whisper sweet nothings in your ear like, "I know you're not having a good day, but just know that if you need me or anything at all I'm right here" and "I don't know if your brain is telling you any differently today, but i love you and I'm always gonna be here to love you".

Because those were things that you needed to hear, needed to be reminded of.

She'd always check in on you if she had to go to the studio or on tour, calling you just to make sure you were okay, really okay because sometimes you weren't okay and you weren't really sure why.

Sometimes just hearing her voice was enough to remind you that this would pass, that good days would come. She'd make promises of a really good and happy life together, wanting you to promise her that you'd always hang on for her; and you did.

She soon became the reason you held on, the reason you'd smile and find a reason to get out of bed. Because she made you feel loved and worthy.

No, she didn't cure your depression and it would probably never go away. But she was there to help you and love you through it. She was there to hold you and keep you safe, and she always would be.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now