You break up

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It had been going on like this for a while now. You were both stressed out from your hectic schedules and due to Taylor promoting her newest tour, she was hardly ever home with you.

It was something you hated to even think about but you didn't know what else to do. The rumors, the hate, the distance between the two of you was all just too much.

You weren't sure what else to do and you figured this was best for her. So you sat on the couch waiting for Taylor to get home, wishing that things could be like they used to.

A few hours later you heard the front door open and close. Taylor walked in looking exhausted but her face immediately lit up with a big smile when she saw you and it broke your heart knowing that what was about to happen would replace it with tears.

"You okay?"

"We need to talk."

You reached over and grabbed your hand, Taylor frowned and sat down next to you, her hand squeezed yours and you absolutely hated yourself for what you were gonna do next.

"I think we should break up."

You heard her take a sharp breath and her eyes filled with tears. She stood up and grabbed at the roots of her hair, scoffing at your words as if you were joking.

"You-You're not serious right? You can't be serious. What did I do?"

You stood up and shook your head, trying to fight back the tears but failing when you saw her beginning to cry.

"You didn't do anything Taylor. I just feel like I'm holding you back."

"Is it because of the rumors? The hate? Me?"

"No... not really. Definitely not because of you though."

"Then why would you wanna break up?"

"I just think it's for the best. I love you, Taylor, I do, but I just think we should take some time apart."

You kissed her cheek and grabbed a bag of your things that was sat on the floor by the couch, holding back the tears before going to your car and driving to your best friend's house.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now