She asks you to move in with her

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You headed over to Taylor's house needing a cuddle after a long week. You were really stressed out and you had just lost your job which was the last thing you needed considering you were already struggling to make ends meet.

Taylor has begged you in the past to let her help you, wanting to take all of your stresses and fears away from you and help you in any way you needed. You've accepted a couple times only when you didn't have any other option, but you never felt right doing it and you'd never come out and ask her for help.

You finally arrived at her house a few minutes later and as soon as she opened the door to let you in you ran right into her arms, tears falling down your face and soaking her shoulder, but she didn't mind.

She closed the door as she picked you up. She let you wrap around your legs around her waist as she carried you up the stairs and into her bedroom.

Her heart broke seeing you like this.

Carrying you over to the bed and laying down with your head on her chest, letting you soak the hoodie she was wearing with your tears, she comforted you as you cried.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I know how hard you've worked."

You nodded your head, unable to speak because of how upset you were. She pushed your shirt up your back a bit and let her fingers glide across your bare back.

"there anything I can do babe?"

You shook your head, wanting to say yes but you just couldn't. You didn't want her to think you were mooching off of her or taking advantage of her, but then she said something that took you by surprise.

"Move in with me." You lifted your head up and looked at her with watery eyes.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious y/n. You clearly need some help and you're just too damn stubborn to let me help you, this way I get to help you and have you here with me everyday. It's a win-win situation."

You stayed silent for a few seconds, waiting for a joke to leave her lips or a smile to appear on her face but nothing. She was serious.

"I'd love to Taylor, but only if you're sure. Like really sure. I don't want you to regret this."

"Regret asking my beautiful girlfriend to move in with me? To wake up to your beautiful face every morning and fall asleep to your loving voice every night. I'm so sure y/n. I love you and I want you to move in with me."

You laughed happily and buried your face in her neck, kissing her skin lightly as she giggled.

"So that's a yes then?"

"Yes! A million times yes, Tay. I love you so much."

You gave her a kiss on her soft lips before staring into her stunning eyes for a few seconds, running your thumb along her cheeks and thanking your lucky stars that she was yours.

Maybe losing your job wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now