She points to you in dress (requested)

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You always loved watching your girl perform. She was so passionate about what she did and she loved being around her fans, always focused on giving them the best show possible and wanting them to let loose and know that they were in a place where they could be themselves.

You stood in the audience and took a few pictures and videos on your phone, smiling as you looked around to see everyone having a good time, singing and dancing along to every word of every song.

Fans would come up to you every once in a while to ask you for a picture which you'd happy give them. Your favorite song from reputation was dress and Taylor knew that from the moment she played you the album.

You sang along quietly to the song, watching your girl sing her heart out. She smiled at you as she began to sing.

"Say my name and everything just stops. I don't want you like a best friend. Only bought this dress so you could take it off. Take it off."

The audience cheered loudly as she pointed at you, giving you a sweet smile and a wink before giggling and going back to performing.

You felt your cheeks heat up as everyone around you began to scream loudly, excited over what had just happened.

You laughed and covered your face, looking at Taylor and sticking your tongue out at her, giggling when she did the same back at you.

You smiled and shook your head, continuing to watch her as she performed, your heart pounding in your chest as it bursted with love and pride for the woman you loved most. You are truly lucky.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now