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You tried to get away. You tried to fight back but it seemed like the harder you tried the worse it got.

You could see the light in the distance getting further and further away from the closer you got.

Someone was saying your name, the voice sounded familiar.

It was Taylor.

You could hear her but you couldn't see her and her voice sounded like it was coming from every which way making you sob as you kept running in every direction possible.

Suddenly someone was shaking your shoulder as they said your name loudly.

You shot up in the bed gasping for air as sweat ran down your body.

You turned your face to see Taylor sitting down next to you, the lamp that had been turned off hours ago when you two went to bed was back on.

You saw her face- she was concerned about you.

You threw yourself into her arms and cried into her neck as she wrapped her arms around you to comfort you.

"Shh. It's okay y/n, I'm here. You're safe."

You felt your body hit the mattress, Taylor pulling you into her side as she laid her head on the pillow and pulled the blankets up around the two of you.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

You shook your head as you continued to cry, Taylor just nodding her head as she tried her best to comfort you.

A couple soft kisses were placed on your forehead, one of her soft fingers on your cheek as she wiped away your tears.

You opened your eyes to see her blue ones looking at you filled with love.

She stroked your hair and kissed your forehead again, letting her lips just linger there for a few seconds afterwards.

"Go back to sleep honey. I'm here, you're safe now."

You closed your eyes and readjusted your body so your head would be resting on her chest, your ear right on her heart as it picked up speed just a little.

Her heartbeat eventually soothed you to sleep as her hands continued to rub your back, making you grateful that even through nights like this she was there to hold you and love you through it.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now