She comes home to find you asleep

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You were trying to keep your eyes open as the clock continued to click, the urge to close your eyes growing stronger and stronger.

You were trying to fight it, after all, Taylor was gonna be home in about an hour, surely you could wait that long.

You turned on a scary movie on Netflix in hopes that it would help you stay awake but it didn't; it anything you were just getting even more tired.

A yawn escaped your mouth, your eyes closing and this time they felt too heavy to open, finally caving in and letting your body drift off into a much-needed sleep.

You felt a soft kiss get placed on your cheek and a hand stroking your hair. You opened your eyes to see Taylor crouched down next to you on the floor.

"Hey baby. Let's get you upstairs."

You whined but grabbed her hand that was reached out for you to grab before getting up and walking slowly up the stairs, your knees felt weak and your body felt drained and it felt like forever when you finally reached your shared bedroom.

You laid down on the bed, Taylor covering you up with the comforter before kissing your forehead only to find that your eyes already closed.

She smiled and stood up, walking into the bathroom to remove her makeup and take a quick shower.

When she came out she brushed her teeth and got changed into her pajamas before she walked back into the bedroom expecting to find you asleep still but you were sitting up fighting sleep once again, your eyes would close and open instantly again before closing and opening; trying so hard to fight the sleep that was quickly taking over you.

She walked over to her side of the bed and laid down, her arms wrapping around you to pull you close to her.

"Why aren't you sleeping? Baby I know you're tired."

"I wanted to wait for you."

You mumbled against her skin, your face burying in her shoulder as you breathed in her fresh scent. Your eyes were already closed again and Taylor couldn't help but giggle and place a couple kisses on the top of your head.

"I'm here now y/n. Get some sleep. I love you."

She whispered against the crown of your head, she could tell you were already asleep but she had to tell you.

It just didn't feel right to tell you those three simple yet beautiful and meaningful words on the off chance that you could've heard her.

But it didn't matter, you already knew that she loved you and she knew that even when you didn't respond, you loved her right back and that was enough to help her close her eyes to sleep peacefully as she'd dream of you and hoped that you dreamed of her too.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now