It's your birthday

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You and Taylor had gone to bed about an hour ago because you had a long day ahead of you tomorrow.

However, Taylor hasn't gone to sleep yet. She's been switching between looking at you and looking at the clock. Taylor seemed more excited for your birthday than you did but she couldn't help herself.


One more minute to go.

She sat up and turned on the lamp, looking back at you and admiring just how beautiful you looked. She looked back at the clock and saw that it was officially midnight.

She smirked and bit her lip, watching you sleep for a few seconds before jumping on top of you and kissing your face.

"Taylor!" You shrieked in between your giggles and it wasn't long before Taylor was giggling with you.

"Happy birthday, beautiful!"

She grabbed your chin and softly kissed you before pulledmg her lips from yours and tucking her face in your neck.

"Thank you, Tay."

She giggled before trailing her hands down your sides, smirking at you when you realized what she was planning.


she pressed a kiss to your cheek and looked back at you before tickling your sides.

You squirmed around on the bed and laughed, tears coming to your eyes as she continued to torture you.

"Stop it. It's my birthday! You can't tickle me on my birthday!"

You managed to say between your laughter and Taylor's hands retracted a few seconds later. She then placed both your hands on both of your cheeks, moving her thumb in a circular motion on your skin making you relax and close your eyes.

"Happy birthday, beautiful. This is your day. Whatever you wanna do when we wake up, we can do. I'm gonna spoil you."

You opened your eyes and stared back at her.

"Thank you. I look forward to it."

You continued to stare back at her for a few minutes before you closed your eyes, Taylor's face tucked into your neck as you both fell asleep like that.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now