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It wasn't easy being on the opposite side of the world from Taylor. She was currently on a promo tour that would last about a month and while it's certainly not the longest you've been apart, it still wasn't easy considering you spent nearly every day and night together.

It was two weeks in and you were so upset that you couldn't join Taylor on this promo tour now more than ever before. The distance was starting to take its toll on you. The bed felt bigger and colder than before and the spacious home you shared together felt lonely.

Your phone chimed pulling you out of your thoughts. You saw it was a text from Taylor making you smile for what was possibly the first time that day.

Taylor: FaceTime? Wanna see your pretty face 😘

You smiled and typed out a reply. Not even a minute later you saw the FaceTime request from Taylor pop up on your phone.

You hit the accept button right away and saw her face only seconds later. You felt like your heart was soaring in your chest and you couldn't stop smiling.

"There's my girl! How are you, baby?"

You blushed and bit your lip. "Good. You?"

Taylor said the same as you and admired you for a few seconds.

"You look beautiful tonight."

You rolled your eyes but blushed again. "Please. My hair is a mess and I don't have any makeup on. Not to mention I'm in my PJs."

She laughed and put her free hand under her chin as you simply stared at you through the screen.

"You still look beautiful. Have you been doing okay? The cats doing alright?"

You smiled at her, loving how caring she always is.

"I'm doing good. Just missing you lots. The cats are doing good too."

Taylor frowned at you watching as you bit your lip again, this time in a way that she's seen a thousand times; the type of way where you bit it to hold back your tears.


"I'm sorry. I don't want to upset you. Just miss you."

Taylor sighed and whispered your name again making you lift your head up as a tear fell from your eye.

"I'd never be upset at you for telling me how you feel. Trust me, I miss you too."

You nodded your head and looked away as more tears fell, almost uncontrollably at this point. "I hate it when you're gone. I just love you so much. Don't get me wrong, I love knowing that you're living out your dream. I just miss you so much."

Taylor sighed softly, hating the downsides of her being able to live out her dream.

"I know. I miss you and love you so much more y/n. But we've made it through two weeks, right? We can make it through two more. We're strong together baby, we can get through this."

You nodded and wiped away your tears, looking back at the screen to find Taylor smiling at you. It made you smile too.

"I love you so much, baby. Now get some sleep. Two weeks till I'm back with you, okay?"

You laid down on the bed and pulled the blankets up to your chest. "Can you sing to me?"

You heard Taylor giggle before she started to sing softly through the speakers of your phone.

"Say you'll remember me standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe. Red lips and rosy cheeks. Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams."

She sang a couple more songs until she stopped, saying your name a couple of times only to receive silence in return signaling that you had fallen asleep.

"Good night, my love. I'll see you soon."

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now